Sam (with Jack), Ajay, Kshitij, Samuel, Hyndavi, Bimal, Conner, Jonathon, Prof. Valeev (with Nikoli and Nadia)
Prof. Valeev, Nakul, Marjory, Ashawini, Sam, Kshitij, Samuel, Conner, Andrei, Drew (in the back), Bimal, and Ajay
Yue, Nakul, Bimal, Sam, Marjory, Karl, Conner, Ashutosh, Andrey, and Prof. Valeev
Prof. Valeev, Ashutosh, Nakul, Marjory, Yue, Bimal, Karl, Chong, Sam, and Varun
Group Party at Prof. Valeev’s House
Nakul, Marjory, Varun, Xiao, Karl, Ashutosh, Yue, Chong, and Prof. Valeev
Chong, Fabijan, Xiao, Varun, Kalyani, Drew, Karl, Marjory, Nakul, and Prof. Valeev
Jessi, Karl, Kalyani, Marjory, Xiao, Fabijan, Chong, Drew, and Prof. Valeev
Jessi, Chong, Jinmei, Justus,Fabijan, Drew, and Prof. Valeev
Prof. Valeev, Jinmei, Justus, Fabijan, and Drew