Class EvalExprTA

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class EvalExprTA : public sequant::EvalExpr

This class extends the EvalExpr class by adding a annot() method so that it can be used to evaluate using TiledArray.

Public Functions

std::string const &annot() const

String annotation for TA::DistArray.

explicit EvalExprTA(Tensor const&)

Construct an EvalExprTA from a Tensor.

explicit EvalExprTA(Constant const&)

Construct an EvalExprTA from a Constant.

explicit EvalExprTA(Variable const&)

Construct an EvalExprTA from a Variable.

EvalExprTA(EvalExprTA const&, EvalExprTA const&, EvalOp)

Construct an EvalExprTA from two EvalExprTA and an EvalOp.