Class Index

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class Index : public sequant::Taggable

Index = label + IndexSpace.


Unlike SeQuant1’s ParticleIndex, this Index supports dependencies between indices to be able to express e.g. hierarchical partitioning of index spaces or hierarchical nesting of spaces


Index label can be plain (label) or composite (label_ordinal) where label is a string of characters excluding ‘_’, and ordinal is an integer less than the value returned by min_tmp_label() .


Index and other SeQuant classes currently use wide characters to represent labels and other strings; this goes against some popular recommendations to use narrow strings (bytestrings) everywhere. The rationale for such choice makes “character”-centric operations easy without the need to grok Unicode and to introduce extra dependencies such as [](ICU). Many functions accept bytestrings as input, but they are recoded to wide (but UTF-8 encoded) strings. For optimal efficiency and simplicity users are recommended to use wide strings until further notice.

Public Types

using index_vector = container::vector<Index>

protoindices cannot be represented by small_vector because it does not accept incomplete types, see N.B. hard-coding alignment should lift this restriction but it seems that alignof is still invoked (for no good reason)

Public Functions

Index() = default
template<typename String, typename = std::enable_if_t<meta::is_basic_string_convertible_v<std::remove_reference_t<String>>>>
inline Index(String &&label, const IndexSpace &space, IndexList proto_indices, bool symmetric_proto_indices = true)
  • label – the label, does not need to be unique

  • space – (a const ref to) the IndexSpace object that specifies to this space this object belongs

  • proto_indices – labels of proto indices (all must be unique, i.e. duplicates are not allowed)

  • symmetric_proto_indices – if true, proto_indices can be permuted at will and will always be sorted

template<typename String, typename = std::enable_if_t<meta::is_basic_string_convertible_v<std::remove_reference_t<String>>>>
inline Index(String &&label, const IndexSpace &space, container::vector<Index> proto_indices, bool symmetric_proto_indices = true)
  • label – the label, does not need to be unique

  • space – (a const ref to) the IndexSpace object that specifies to this space this object belongs

  • proto_indices – labels of proto indices (all must be unique, i.e. duplicates are not allowed)

  • symmetric_proto_indices – if true, proto_indices can be permuted at will and will always be sorted

template<typename String, typename = std::enable_if_t<meta::is_basic_string_convertible_v<std::remove_reference_t<String>>>>
inline Index(String &&label)

See also

IndexSpace::instance )


label – the index label, does not need to be unique, but must be convertible into an IndexSpace (

template<typename IndexOrIndexLabel, typename I, typename = std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<IndexOrIndexLabel>, Index> || meta::is_basic_string_convertible_v<std::decay_t<IndexOrIndexLabel>>)>>
inline Index(IndexOrIndexLabel &&index_or_index_label, std::initializer_list<I> proto_indices, bool symmetric_proto_indices = true)

constructs an Index using an existing Index’s label and space and a list of proto indices

Template Parameters:
  • index_or_index_label – an Index or a label, does not need to be unique

  • proto_indices – list of proto indices, or their labels (all must be unique, i.e. duplicates are not allowed)

  • symmetric_proto_indices – if true, proto_indices can be permuted at will and will always be sorted

template<typename IndexOrIndexLabel, typename IndexContainer, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<std::remove_reference_t<IndexContainer>, container::vector<Index>> && (std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<IndexOrIndexLabel>, Index> || meta::is_wstring_convertible_v<std::decay_t<IndexOrIndexLabel>>)>>
inline Index(IndexOrIndexLabel &&index_or_index_label, IndexContainer &&proto_indices, bool symmetric_proto_indices = true)

constructs an Index using an existing Index’s label and space and a list of proto indices

Template Parameters:

IndexOrIndexLabel – either Index or a type that can be viewed/converted to a string (i.e., meta::is_basic_string_convertible_v<std::decay_t<IndexOrIndexLabel>>==true)

  • index_or_index_label – an Index or a label, does not need to be unique

  • proto_indices – list of proto indices (all must be unique, i.e. duplicates are not allowed)

  • symmetric_proto_indices – if true, proto_indices can be permuted at will and will always be sorted

template<typename IndexOrIndexLabel>
inline Index(IndexOrIndexLabel &&index_or_index_label, IndexSpace space)

constructs an Index using an existing Index’s label and proto indices (if any) and an IndexSpace

Template Parameters:

IndexOrIndexLabel – either Index or a type that can be viewed/converted to a string (i.e., meta::is_basic_string_convertible_v<std::decay_t<IndexOrIndexLabel>>==true)

  • index_or_index_label[in] an Index object or a label

  • space – (a const ref to) the IndexSpace object that specifies the space to which ths object refers to

inline Index replace_space(IndexSpace space) const

constructs an Index using this object’s label and proto indices (if any) and a new IndexSpace


space – (a const ref to) the IndexSpace object that specifies the space to which ths object refers to

inline Index replace_qns(QuantumNumbersAttr qns) const

constructs an Index using this object’s label and proto indices (if any), its IndexSpaceType, and a new set of QuantumNumbers

inline Taggable &tag()

this cast to Taggable&

inline const Taggable &tag() const

this cast to const Taggable&

inline void reset_tag() const

resets tag of this and its protoindices (if any)


do this->tag().reset() if you only want to reset tag on this (not its protoindices)

inline std::wstring_view label() const


label format is base or base_ordinal


this does not include the proto index labels, use Index::full_label() instead


the label as a UTF-8 encoded wide-character string

inline std::pair<std::wstring_view, std::wstring_view> split_label() const


this does not include the proto index labels


the label split into base and ordinal parts; the ordinal part is empty, if missing

std::string ascii_label() const

Replaces non-ascii wstring characters with human-readable analogs, each such UTF-8 character will be encoded by one or more chars.


Maps: -> a, -> b, and all greek characters to their english language equivalents (e.g. α -> alpha, Ξ -> XI, etc.)


not to be used with proto indices


A string label representable in ASCII encoding

std::string to_string() const


equivalent to sequant::to_string(this->label())


not to be used with proto indices


A UTF-8 encoded narrow-character string label

inline std::wstring_view full_label() const


this includes the proto index labels (if any), use Index::label() instead if only want the label


the full label as a UTF-8 encoded wide-character string

template<typename WS, typename = std::enable_if_t<(meta::is_wstring_convertible_v<std::decay_t<WS>>)>>
inline std::wstring make_label_plus_suffix(WS &&suffix) const

makes a new label by appending a suffix to the label

Appends suffix to the label itself (if plain) or to its core (if composite)


suffix – a string to append to the label


this->label() with suffix appended

template<typename WS, typename = std::enable_if_t<(meta::is_wstring_convertible_v<std::decay_t<WS>>)>>
inline std::wstring make_label_minus_substring(WS &&substr) const

makes a new label by removing a substring from the label

Removes substr from the label itself (if plain) or from its core (if composite)


substr – a string to remove from the label


this->label() with substr removed

inline const IndexSpace &space() const

the IndexSpace object

inline bool has_proto_indices() const

true if this index has proto indices

inline const index_vector &proto_indices() const

the list of proto indices of this index

inline bool symmetric_proto_indices() const

true if the index is symmetric with respect to the permutation of protoindices

inline Index drop_proto_indices() const

drops the proto indices from this Index


a copy of this Index without proto indices

std::wstring to_latex() const
inline auto proto_indices_color() const

See also



the color of the protoindices

inline auto color() const

Color of an Index = hashed IndexSpace + IndexSpace objects of the protoindices


the color of this object

template<template<typename, typename, typename ...Args> class Map, typename ...Args>
inline bool transform(const Map<Index, Index, Args...> &index_map)

index replacement replaces this object with its image in the Index map. If this object was not found in the map, tries replacing its subindices.


index_map – maps Index to Index


false if no replacements were made

 this->tag().has_value() == false || (this->tag().has_value()
== true && this->tag().value<int>() == 0) 

if return value is true:

 this->tag().has_value() == true &&
this->tag().value<int>() == 0 

Public Static Functions

static inline Index make_tmp_index(const IndexSpace &space)

creates a globally-unique temporary index in space space . The label of the resulting index = IndexSpace::base_key(space) + ‘_’ + temporary counter. Each call increments the current tmp counter (see next_tmp_index() ) . To make neater temporary indices unique in a given scope (e.g. a single term in an expression) use IndexFactory.


space – an IndexSpace object


a unique temporary index in space space

template<typename IndexRange, typename = std::enable_if_t<meta::is_range_v<std::remove_reference_t<IndexRange>>>>
static inline Index make_tmp_index(const IndexSpace &space, IndexRange &&proto_indices, bool symmetric_proto_indices = true)

creates a globaly-unique temporary index in space space . The label of the resulting index = IndexSpace::base_key(space) + ‘_’ + temporary counter. Each call increments the current tmp counter (see next_tmp_index() ) . To make neater temporary indices unique in a given scope (e.g. a single term in an expression) use IndexFactory.

  • space – an IndexSpace object

  • proto_indices – list of proto indices (all must be unique, i.e. duplicates are not allowed)

  • symmetric_proto_indices – if true, proto_indices can be permuted at will and will always be sorted


a unique temporary index in space space

static inline std::pair<std::wstring_view, std::wstring_view> make_split_label(std::wstring_view label)

label – an Index label (e.g., returned by Index::label())


label split into base and ordinal parts; the ordinal part is empty, if missing

static inline std::wstring make_merged_label(std::wstring_view base_label, std::wstring_view ordinal_label)
  • base_label – base part of an Index label

  • ordinal_label – ordinal part of an Index label


base_label and ordinal_label merged

template<typename WS1, typename WS2, typename = std::enable_if_t<(meta::is_wstring_or_view_v<std::decay_t<WS1>> && meta::is_wstring_convertible_v<std::decay_t<WS2>>)>>
static inline std::wstring make_label_plus_suffix(WS1 &&label, WS2 &&suffix)

makes a new label by appending a suffix to the label

Appends suffix to label itself (if plain) or to its core (if composite)

  • label – the label to append the suffix to

  • suffix – a string to append to the label


this->label() with suffix appended

template<typename WS1, typename WS2, typename = std::enable_if_t<(meta::is_wstring_or_view_v<std::decay_t<WS1>> && meta::is_wstring_convertible_v<std::decay_t<WS2>>)>>
static inline std::wstring make_label_minus_substring(WS1 &&label, WS2 &&substr)

makes a new label by removing a substring from the label

Removes substr from label itself (if plain) or from its core (if composite)

  • label – the label to remove the substring from

  • substr – a string to remove from the label


this->label() with substr removed

template<typename Range>
static inline auto proto_indices_color(const Range &protoindex_range)

See also



protoindex_range – a range of Index objects


the color of the protoindices

static const std::size_t min_tmp_index()

the smallest index of a generated index

static inline std::size_t next_tmp_index()

a unique temporary index, its value is equal to or greater than that returned by min_tmp_index()

static void reset_tmp_index()

resets the temporary index counter so that the next call to next_tmp_index() will return the value returned by min_tmp_index()


should only to be used when reproducibility matters (e.g. unit testing)

struct LabelCompare

compares Index objects using labels only

Public Types

using is_transparent = void

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(const Index &first, const Index &second) const
inline bool operator()(const Index &first, const std::wstring_view &second) const
inline bool operator()(const std::wstring_view &first, const Index &second) const
struct TypeCompare

compares Index objects using type only (but since type is defined by the values of proto indices those are not ignored)

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(const Index &first, const Index &second) const
struct TypeEquality

tests equality of Index objects using type only (but since type is defined by the values of proto indices those are not ignored)

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(const Index &first, const Index &second) const