Class Fusion

Class Documentation

class Fusion

Use this class to test the fusibility of two products.

The pattern of factors should match in both products for them to have a common factor. Fusion is either possible from the left hand side or the right hand side.

eg. abcd + abef => ab(cd + ef) from left. nullptr from right. abef + cdef => nullptr from left. (ab + cd)ef from right.

Only common scalars are factored out as of now. eg. (1/2)abcd + (1/2)abef => (1/2)ab(cd + ef) (1/2)abcd + (1/4)abef => ab((1/2)cd + (1/4)ef) (1/2)abcd - (1/2)abef => ab((1/2)cd - (1/2)ef)

Public Functions

Fusion(Product const &lhs, Product const &rhs)
ExprPtr left() const

the result of fusion from left hand side. returns nullptr if no fusion possible.

ExprPtr right() const

the result of fusion from right hand side. returns nullptr if no fusion possible.

Public Static Functions

static ExprPtr fuse_left(Product const &lhs, Product const &rhs)
static ExprPtr fuse_right(Product const &lhs, Product const &rhs)
static rational gcd_rational(rational const &left, rational const &right)

Get the greatest common divisor of two rational numbers.

static std::array<rational, 3> fuse_scalar(rational const &left, rational const &right)

Fuse scalars

  • left – and

  • right – and the return the result as an array of three elements: first is the greatest common factor, second the fused sub-factor of

  • left – and the third is that of

  • right.