Function sequant::deparse(const ExprPtr&, bool)

Function Documentation

std::wstring sequant::deparse(const ExprPtr &expr, bool annot_sym = true)

Get a parsable string from an expression.

An expression that has a flat structure (ie. product does not contain sum or product subexpressions) is guaranteed to be reparsable to itself so that equality comparison holds: x == parse_expr(deparse_expr(x)). For nested expressions the equality comparison is not guaranteed, however, for such an expression x, its corresponding evaluation node, eval_node(x), and the parsed evaluation node, eval_node(parse_expr(deparse_expr(x))) are equivalent.

  • expr – Expression to stringify that can be re-parsed to itself.

  • annot_sym – Whether to add sequant::Symmetry annotation to each Tensor string.


wstring of the expression.