Program Listing for File eval_expr.cpp

Return to documentation for file (SeQuant/core/eval_expr.cpp)

#include <SeQuant/core/attr.hpp>
#include <SeQuant/core/complex.hpp>
#include <SeQuant/core/container.hpp>
#include <SeQuant/core/context.hpp>
#include <SeQuant/core/eval_expr.hpp>
#include <SeQuant/core/expr.hpp>
#include <SeQuant/core/hash.hpp>
#include <SeQuant/core/index.hpp>
#include <SeQuant/core/tensor.hpp>
#include <SeQuant/core/wstring.hpp>

#include <range/v3/action.hpp>
#include <range/v3/algorithm.hpp>
#include <range/v3/functional.hpp>
#include <range/v3/iterator.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view.hpp>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

namespace sequant {

namespace {

size_t hash_terminal_tensor(Tensor const&) noexcept;

size_t hash_imed(EvalExpr const&, EvalExpr const&, EvalOp) noexcept;

ExprPtr make_imed(EvalExpr const&, EvalExpr const&, EvalOp) noexcept;

bool is_tot(Tensor const& t) noexcept {
  return ranges::any_of(t.const_braket(), &Index::has_proto_indices);

std::wstring_view const var_label = L"Z";

}  // namespace

NestedTensorIndices::NestedTensorIndices(const sequant::Tensor& tnsr) {
  using ranges::views::join;
  using ranges::views::transform;

  auto append_unique = [](auto& cont, auto const& el) {
    if (!ranges::contains(cont, el)) cont.emplace_back(el);

  for (Index const& ix : tnsr.const_braket())
    append_unique(ix.has_proto_indices() ? inner : outer, ix);

  for (Index const& ix :
       tnsr.const_braket() | transform(&Index::proto_indices) | join)
    append_unique(outer, ix);

std::string EvalExpr::braket_annot() const noexcept {
  if (!is_tensor()) return {};

  // given an iterable of sequant::Index objects, returns a string made
  // of their full labels separated by comma
  //   eg. (a_1^{i_1,i_2},a_2^{i_2,i_3}) -> "a_1i_1i_2,a_2i_2i_3"
  //   eg. (i_1, i_2) -> "i_1,i_2"
  auto annot = [](auto&& ixs) -> std::string {
    using namespace ranges::views;

    auto full_labels = ixs                              //
                       | transform(&Index::full_label)  //
                       | transform([](auto&& fl) {      //
                           return sequant::to_string(fl);
    return full_labels                      //
           | intersperse(std::string{","})  //
           | join                           //
           | ranges::to<std::string>;

  auto nested = NestedTensorIndices{as_tensor()};

  return nested.inner.empty()  //
             ? annot(nested.outer)
             : annot(nested.outer) + ";" + annot(nested.inner);

size_t EvalExpr::global_id_{};

EvalExpr::EvalExpr(Tensor const& tnsr)
    : op_type_{EvalOp::Id},
      tot_{is_tot(tnsr)} {}

EvalExpr::EvalExpr(Constant const& c)
    : op_type_{EvalOp::Id},
      tot_{false} {}

EvalExpr::EvalExpr(Variable const& v)
    : op_type_{EvalOp::Id},
      tot_{false} {}

EvalExpr::EvalExpr(EvalExpr const& left, EvalExpr const& right, EvalOp op)
    : op_type_{op},
      hash_value_{hash_imed(left, right, op)},
      expr_{make_imed(left, right, op)} {
  result_type_ = expr_->is<Tensor>() ? ResultType::Tensor : ResultType::Scalar;
  tot_ = expr_->is<Tensor>() && is_tot(expr_->as<Tensor>());

EvalOp EvalExpr::op_type() const noexcept { return op_type_; }

ResultType EvalExpr::result_type() const noexcept { return result_type_; }

size_t EvalExpr::hash_value() const noexcept { return hash_value_; }

size_t EvalExpr::id() const noexcept { return id_; }

ExprPtr EvalExpr::expr() const noexcept { return expr_; }

bool EvalExpr::tot() const noexcept { return tot_; }

std::wstring EvalExpr::to_latex() const noexcept { return expr_->to_latex(); }

bool EvalExpr::is_tensor() const noexcept {
  return expr().is<Tensor>() && result_type() == ResultType::Tensor;

bool EvalExpr::is_scalar() const noexcept { return !is_tensor(); }

bool EvalExpr::is_constant() const noexcept {
  return expr().is<Constant>() && result_type() == ResultType::Scalar;

bool EvalExpr::is_variable() const noexcept {
  return expr().is<Variable>() && result_type() == ResultType::Scalar;

Tensor const& EvalExpr::as_tensor() const noexcept {
  return expr().as<Tensor>();

Constant const& EvalExpr::as_constant() const noexcept {
  return expr().as<Constant>();

Variable const& EvalExpr::as_variable() const noexcept {
  return expr().as<Variable>();

std::string EvalExpr::label() const noexcept {
  if (is_tensor())
    return to_string(as_tensor().label()) + "(" + braket_annot() + ")";
  else if (is_constant()) {
    auto const& c = as_constant();
    auto real = Constant{c.value().real()}.value<double>();
    auto imag = Constant{c.value().imag()}.value<double>();
    assert(real != 0 || imag != 0);
    std::string r = std::to_string(real);
    std::string i = std::to_string(imag);
    if (real == 0) return i;
    if (imag == 0) return r;
    return "(" + r + "," + i + ")";
  } else {
    return to_string(as_variable().label());

namespace {

template <typename T>
size_t hash_braket(T const& bk) noexcept {
  size_t h = 0;
  for (auto const& idx : bk) {
    hash::combine(h, hash::value(;
    hash::combine(h, hash::value(;
    if (idx.has_proto_indices()) {
      hash::combine(h, hash::value(idx.proto_indices().size()));
      for (auto&& i : idx.proto_indices())
        hash::combine(h, hash::value(i.label()));
  return h;

size_t hash_tensor_pair_topology(Tensor const& t1, Tensor const& t2) noexcept {
  using ranges::views::enumerate;
  size_t h = 0;
  for (auto&& [pos1, idx1] : t1.const_braket() | enumerate)
    for (auto&& [pos2, idx2] : t2.const_braket() | enumerate)
      if (idx1.label() == idx2.label())
        hash::combine(h, hash::value(std::pair(pos1, pos2)));
  return h;

size_t hash_terminal_tensor(Tensor const& tnsr) noexcept {
  size_t h = 0;
  hash::combine(h, hash::value(tnsr.label()));
  hash::combine(h, hash_braket(tnsr.const_braket()));
  return h;

size_t hash_imed(EvalExpr const& left, EvalExpr const& right,
                 EvalOp op) noexcept {
  size_t h = 0;
  hash::combine(h, hash::value(op));

  auto lh = hash::value(left);
  auto rh = hash::value(right);

  hash::combine(h, lh < rh ? lh : rh);
  hash::combine(h, lh < rh ? rh : lh);

  if (left.result_type() == ResultType::Tensor &&
      right.result_type() == ResultType::Tensor)
    hash::combine(h, hash_tensor_pair_topology(left.expr()->as<Tensor>(),
  return h;

std::pair<container::svector<Index>,  // bra
          container::svector<Index>   // ket
target_braket(Tensor const& t1, Tensor const& t2) noexcept {
  using ranges::contains;
  using ranges::views::concat;
  using ranges::views::filter;
  using idx_container = container::svector<Index>;

  // find contracted indices
  const auto contracted_indices =
      concat(t1.bra() | filter([&](const auto& idx) {
               return contains(t2.ket(), idx);
             t1.ket() | filter([&](const auto& idx) {
               return contains(t2.bra(), idx);
             })) |

  // combine free bra indices
  const auto result_bra = concat(t1.bra() | filter([&](const auto& idx) {
                                   return !contains(contracted_indices, idx);
                                 t2.bra() | filter([&](const auto& idx) {
                                   return !contains(contracted_indices, idx);
                                 })) |

  // combine free ket indices
  const auto result_ket = concat(t1.ket() | filter([&](const auto& idx) {
                                   return !contains(contracted_indices, idx);
                                 t2.ket() | filter([&](const auto& idx) {
                                   return !contains(contracted_indices, idx);
                                 })) |

  return std::make_pair(result_bra, result_ket);

Symmetry tensor_symmetry_sum(EvalExpr const& left,
                             EvalExpr const& right) noexcept {
  auto const& t1 = left.expr()->as<Tensor>();
  auto const& t2 = right.expr()->as<Tensor>();

  auto sym1 = t1.symmetry();
  auto sym2 = t2.symmetry();
  if (sym1 == sym2)
    return sym1;  // sum of symm/symm or antisymm/antisymm tensors

  // sum of one symmetric and one antisymmetric tensor
  if (sym1 != sym2 && sym1 != Symmetry::nonsymm && sym2 != Symmetry::nonsymm)
    return Symmetry::symm;

  return Symmetry::nonsymm;

Symmetry tensor_symmetry_prod(EvalExpr const& left,
                              EvalExpr const& right) noexcept {
  using index_set_t = container::set<Index, Index::LabelCompare>;

  // check if all the indices in cont1 are in cont2 AND vice versa
  auto all_common_indices = [](const auto& cont1, const auto& cont2) -> bool {
    return (cont1.size() == cont2.size()) &&
           (cont1 | ranges::to<index_set_t>) ==
               (cont2 | ranges::to<index_set_t>);
  // //////

  auto const& tnsr1 = left.expr()->as<Tensor>();
  auto const& tnsr2 = right.expr()->as<Tensor>();

  if (hash::value(left) == hash::value(right)) {
    // potential outer product of the same tensor
    auto const uniq_idxs =
        ranges::views::concat(tnsr1.const_braket(), tnsr2.const_braket()) |

    if (static_cast<std::size_t>(ranges::distance(uniq_idxs)) ==
        tnsr1.const_braket().size() + tnsr2.const_braket().size()) {
      // outer product confirmed
      return Symmetry::antisymm;

  // not an outer product of same tensor confirmed
  auto imed_sym = Symmetry::invalid;
  bool whole_bk_contracted = (all_common_indices(tnsr1.bra(), tnsr2.ket()) ||
                              all_common_indices(tnsr1.ket(), tnsr2.bra()));
  auto sym1 = tnsr1.symmetry();
  auto sym2 = tnsr2.symmetry();

  assert(sym1 != Symmetry::invalid);
  assert(sym2 != Symmetry::invalid);

  if (whole_bk_contracted &&
      !(sym1 == Symmetry::nonsymm || sym2 == Symmetry::nonsymm)) {
    imed_sym = sym1 == sym2 ? sym1 : Symmetry::symm;

  } else {
    imed_sym = Symmetry::nonsymm;

  assert(imed_sym != Symmetry::invalid);
  return imed_sym;

ParticleSymmetry particle_symmetry(Symmetry s) noexcept {
  return (s == Symmetry::symm || s == Symmetry::antisymm)
             ? ParticleSymmetry::symm
             : ParticleSymmetry::nonsymm;

ExprPtr make_sum(EvalExpr const& left, EvalExpr const& right) noexcept {
  assert(left.is_tensor() && right.is_tensor());

  auto const& t1 = left.as_tensor();
  auto const& t2 = right.as_tensor();

  assert(t1.bra_rank() + t1.ket_rank()         //
             == t2.bra_rank() + t2.ket_rank()  //
         && "differing ranks for summed tensors");

  auto ts = tensor_symmetry_sum(left, right);
  auto ps = particle_symmetry(ts);
  auto bks = get_default_context().braket_symmetry();
  return ex<Tensor>(L"I", t1.bra(), t1.ket(), ts, bks, ps);

ExprPtr make_prod(EvalExpr const& left, EvalExpr const& right) noexcept {
  assert(left.is_tensor() && right.is_tensor());

  auto const& t1 = left.as_tensor();
  auto const& t2 = right.as_tensor();

  auto [b, k] = target_braket(t1, t2);
  if (b.empty() && k.empty()) {
    // dot product
    return ex<Variable>(var_label);
  } else {
    // regular tensor product
    auto ts = tensor_symmetry_prod(left, right);
    auto ps = particle_symmetry(ts);
    auto bks = get_default_context().braket_symmetry();
    return ex<Tensor>(L"I", bra(std::move(b)), ket(std::move(k)), ts, bks, ps);

ExprPtr make_imed(EvalExpr const& left, EvalExpr const& right,
                  EvalOp op) noexcept {
  assert(op != EvalOp::Id);

  auto lres = left.result_type();
  auto rres = right.result_type();

  if (lres == ResultType::Scalar && rres == ResultType::Scalar) {
    // scalar (+|*) scalar

    return ex<Variable>(var_label);

  } else if (lres == ResultType::Scalar && rres == ResultType::Tensor) {
    // scalar (*) tensor

    assert(op == EvalOp::Prod && "scalar + tensor not supported");
    auto const& t = right.expr()->as<Tensor>();
    return ex<Tensor>(Tensor{L"I", t.bra(), t.ket(), t.symmetry(),
                             t.braket_symmetry(), t.particle_symmetry()});

  } else if (lres == ResultType::Tensor && rres == ResultType::Scalar) {
    // tensor (*) scalar

    return make_imed(right, left, op);

  } else {
    // tensor (+|*) tensor

    auto lh = hash::value(left);
    auto rh = hash::value(right);
    auto const& left_ = lh <= rh ? left : right;
    auto const& right_ = lh <= rh ? right : left;

    if (op == EvalOp::Sum) {
      // tensor (+) tensor
      return make_sum(left_, right_);
    } else {
      // tensor (*) tensor
      return make_prod(left_, right_);
}  // namespace

}  // namespace sequant