Installation Guide


While in the SeQuant source directory:

  • cmake -B build -S .

  • cmake --build build --target check-sequant


  • mandatory:

    • CMake 3.15 or later

    • a C++17 compiler

    • Boost, version 1.81 or higher. SeQuant can download and build Boost if configured with Boost_FETCH_IF_MISSING=ON, but this is not recommended. The following non-header-only Boost libraries are required, hence Boost must be configured/built:

    • Range-V3, tag 0.12.0, if not found, SeQuant will download and build Range-V3

  • optional:

    • for building coupled-cluster evaluation tests:

      • TiledArray, tag 3f6629db047417e814b75ad5069b7f4ce26428e7

    • for building stcc* example programs


From the SeQuant source directory run the following command to configure the build harness:

  • cmake -B build -S .

Useful CMake variables

  • BUILD_TESTING — enables unit tests targets, e.g. check-sequant [default=ON]

  • CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER — specifies the C++ compiler to use

  • CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH — this semicolon-separated list specifies search paths for dependencies (Boost, Range-V3, etc.)

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX — the installation path for SeQuant

  • SEQUANT_MIMALLOC — use mimalloc for fast memory allocation

  • SEQUANT_EVAL_TRACE — enables tracing of expression interpretation; especially useful in combination with TiledArray’s memory tracing mechanism (configure TiledArray with TA_TENSOR_MEM_PROFILE=ON to enable that)

  • SEQUANT_PYTHON — enables building of Pythin bindings

  • Boost_FETCH_IF_MISSING — if set to ON, SeQuant will download and build Boost if it is not found by find_package(Boost ...); this is not recommended. [default=OFF]


To build, test, and install SeQuant, run the following commands:

  • cmake --build build

  • (optional) cmake --build build --target check-sequant

  • cmake --build build --target install