MPQC  3.0.0-alpha
mpqc::MPI::Comm Member List

This is the complete list of members for mpqc::MPI::Comm, including all inherited members.

allgather(T value) const (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminline
any(const bool &value) const (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminline
barrier() const (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminline
broadcast(T &value, int root) const (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminline
broadcast(T *data, int count, int root) const (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminline
cout (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comm
dup(MPI::Comm comm) (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminlinestatic
free() (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminline
operator==(const Comm &comm) const (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminline
printf(std::string fmt,...) const (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminline
rank() const (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminline
Self() (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminlinestatic
size() const (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminline
sum(T *value, int count) const (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminline
sum(T &value) const (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminline
World() (defined in mpqc::MPI::Comm)mpqc::MPI::Comminlinestatic

Generated at Sun Jan 26 2020 23:24:02 for MPQC 3.0.0-alpha using the documentation package Doxygen 1.8.16.