Using MPQC LCAO and AO Factory Interfaces
Mapping of operator labels to operator types is described in the documentation for class mpqc::Operator .
User called functions
- Return TiledArray array
- Return TiledArray expression
Atomic Integral
Space labels
- κ λ μ ν -> obs(primary orbital basis)
- Α Β Γ Δ -> vbs(secondary orbital basis)
- Κ Λ Μ Ν -> dfbs(density fitting basis)
- ε -> min(minimal basis)
- α β γ δ -> cabs(cabs basis)
- ρ σ τ υ -> ribs(obs + cabs)
- One Electron Integral
- Two Electron Two Center Integral
only chemical notation allowed
// Coulomb
// Inverse
// Inverse Square Root
- Two Electron Three Center Integral
only chemical notation allowed
density-fitting basis has to go the bra
- Two Electron Four Center Integral
- J, K, and F
LCAO Integral
Space labels:
- m, n -> occ(occupied)
- m', n' -> frozen_occ (inactive/core occupied)
- i,j,k,l -> active_occ (correlated occupied)
- x, y -> active (active orbital used in MR)
- e,f -> uocc (unoccupied in obs, aka virtual)
- e',f' -> frozen_uocc (frozen unoccupied in obs)
- a,b,c,d -> uocc (active unoccupied in obs)
- p,q,r,s -> any (orbital basis, obs)
- a', b', c', d' -> other_uocc (cabs = complete basis - orbital basis)
- A', B', C', D' -> complete_uocc (complete unoccupied = a + a')
- P',Q',R',S' -> complete_any (complete basis, cbs)
- One Electron Integral
- Two Electron Four Center Integral
- Half Transformed Integral