Class Labeled

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class Labeled

An object with a string label that be used for defining a canonical order of expressions (defined at runtime). These labels are not in general object-unique, i.e. 2 objects that are not equal can return same label.

Subclassed by sequant::NormalOperator< S >, sequant::Tensor, sequant::Variable, sequant::mbpt::Operator< void, S >

Public Functions

Labeled() = default
virtual ~Labeled() = default
virtual std::wstring_view label() const = 0

See also

to_latex() for producing unique string representation


object’s label. 2 objects that are not equal can return same label, i.e. the label does not identify the object uniquely. Thus labels can be viewed as immutable string tags that for some object types can be used for sorting and other purposes.