Class Tensor

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Inheritance Relationships

Base Types

Class Documentation

class Tensor : public sequant::Expr, public sequant::AbstractTensor, public sequant::Labeled

particle-symmetric Tensor, i.e. permuting

Public Functions

Tensor() = default

constructs an uninitialized Tensor

virtual ~Tensor()
template<typename IndexRange1, typename IndexRange2, typename = std::enable_if_t<(meta::is_statically_castable_v<meta::range_value_t<IndexRange1>, Index>)&&(meta::is_statically_castable_v<meta::range_value_t<IndexRange2>, Index>)>>
inline Tensor(std::wstring_view label, const bra<IndexRange1> &bra_indices, const ket<IndexRange2> &ket_indices, Symmetry s = Symmetry::nonsymm, BraKetSymmetry bks = get_default_context().braket_symmetry(), ParticleSymmetry ps = ParticleSymmetry::symm)
  • label – the tensor label

  • bra_indices – list of bra indices (or objects that can be converted to indices)

  • ket_indices – list of ket indices (or objects that can be converted to indices)

  • s – the symmetry of bra or ket

  • bks – the symmetry with respect to bra-ket exchange

  • ps – the symmetry under exchange of particles

inline Tensor(std::wstring_view label, bra<index_container_type> &&bra_indices, ket<index_container_type> &&ket_indices, Symmetry s = Symmetry::nonsymm, BraKetSymmetry bks = get_default_context().braket_symmetry(), ParticleSymmetry ps = ParticleSymmetry::symm)
  • label – the tensor label

  • bra_indices – list of bra indices (or objects that can be converted to indices)

  • ket_indices – list of ket indices (or objects that can be converted to indices)

  • s – the symmetry of bra or ket

  • bks – the symmetry with respect to bra-ket exchange

  • ps – the symmetry under exchange of particles

inline explicit operator bool() const

true if the Tensor is initialized

inline virtual std::wstring_view label() const override

“core” label of the tensor

inline const auto &bra() const
inline const auto &ket() const
inline auto braket() const

joined view of the bra and ket index ranges

inline auto const_braket() const


this is to work around broken lookup rules


view of the bra+ket index ranges

inline Symmetry symmetry() const

Returns the Symmetry object describing the symmetry of the bra and ket of the Tensor, i.e. what effect swapping indices in positions i and j in either bra or ket has on the elements of the Tensor; Tensor’s are always assumed to be particle-symmetric, i.e. swapping indices in positions i and j in both bra and ket; The allowed values are Symmetry::symm, Symmetry::antisymm, and Symmetry::nonsymm


the Symmetry object describing the symmetry of the bra and ket of the Tensor.

inline BraKetSymmetry braket_symmetry() const

the BraKetSymmetry object describing the symmetry of the Tensor under exchange of bra and ket.

inline ParticleSymmetry particle_symmetry() const

the ParticleSymmetry object describing the symmetry of the Tensor under exchange of particles (columns).

inline std::size_t bra_rank() const

number of bra indices

inline std::size_t ket_rank() const

number of ket indices

inline std::size_t rank() const

std::logic_error – if bra and ket ranks do not match


number of indices in bra/ket

inline virtual std::wstring to_latex() const override

the string representation of this in the LaTeX format

virtual ExprPtr canonicalize() override

Canonicalizes this and returns the biproduct of canonicalization (e.g. phase)


the biproduct of canonicalization, or nullptr if no biproduct generated

virtual void adjoint() override

adjoint of a Tensor swaps its bra and ket

template<template<typename, typename, typename ...Args> class Map, typename ...Args>
inline bool transform_indices(const Map<Index, Index, Args...> &index_map)

Replaces indices using the index map


index_map – maps Index to Index


true if one or more indices changed

inline virtual type_id_type type_id() const override

Computes and returns the derived type identifier


this function must be overridden in the derived class


the hash value for this Expr

inline virtual ExprPtr clone() const override


- must be overridden in the derived class.

  • the default implementation throws an exception


a clone of this object, i.e. an object that is equal to this

inline void reset_tags() const
inline hash_type bra_hash_value() const