Class NCProduct

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class NCProduct : public sequant::Product

Public Functions

inline NCProduct(const Product &other)
inline NCProduct(Product &&other)
inline virtual bool is_commutative() const override

checks commutativity recursively


this is memoizing


true if definitely commutative, false definitely not commutative

virtual void adjoint() override

adjoint of a NCProduct is a reserved product of adjoints of its factors, with complex-conjugated scalar

Product() = default
Product(const Product&) = default
Product(Product&&) = default
inline Product(ExprPtrList factors, Flatten flatten_tag = Flatten::Yes)

construct a Product out of zero or more factors (multiplied by 1)

  • factors – the factors

  • flatten_tag – if Flatten::Yes, flatten the factors

template<typename Range, typename = std::enable_if_t<meta::is_range_v<std::decay_t<Range>> && !meta::is_same_v<Range, ExprPtrList> && !meta::is_same_v<Range, Product>>>
inline explicit Product(Range &&rng, Flatten flatten_tag = Flatten::Yes)

construct a Product out of zero or more factors (multiplied by 1)

  • rng – a range of factors

  • flatten_tag – if Flatten::Yes, flatten the factors

template<typename T, typename Range, typename = std::enable_if_t<meta::is_range_v<std::decay_t<Range>> && !std::is_same_v<std::remove_reference_t<Range>, ExprPtrList> && !std::is_same_v<std::remove_reference_t<Range>, Product>>>
inline explicit Product(T scalar, Range &&rng, Flatten flatten_tag = Flatten::Yes)

construct a Product out of zero or more factors (multiplied by 1)

Template Parameters:

T – a numeric type; it must be able to multiply Product::scalar_type

  • scalar – a scalar of type T

  • rng – a range of factors

  • flatten_tag – if Flatten::Yes, flatten the factors

template<typename T>
inline Product(T scalar, ExprPtrList factors, Flatten flatten_tag = Flatten::Yes)

construct a Product out of zero or more factors multiplied by a scalar

Template Parameters:

T – a numeric type; it must be able to multiply Product::scalar_type

  • scalar – a scalar of type T

  • factors – an initializer list of factors

  • flatten_tag – if Flatten::Yes, flatten the factors

template<typename Iterator>
inline Product(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Flatten flatten_tag = Flatten::Yes)

construct a Product out of a range of factors

  • begin – the begin iterator

  • end – the end iterator

  • flatten_tag – specifies whether (and how) to flatten the argument(s)

template<typename T, typename Iterator>
inline Product(T scalar, Iterator begin, Iterator end, Flatten flatten_tag = Flatten::Yes)

construct a Product out of a range of factors

Template Parameters:

T – a numeric type; it must be able to multiply Product::scalar_type

  • scalar – a scalar of type T

  • begin – the begin iterator

  • end – the end iterator

  • flatten_tag – specifies whether (and how) to flatten the argument(s)