Template Class NormalOperatorSequence

Inheritance Relationships

Base Types

  • public container::svector< NormalOperator< Statistics::FermiDirac > >

  • public sequant::Expr (Class Expr)

Class Documentation

template<Statistics S = Statistics::FermiDirac>
class NormalOperatorSequence : public container::svector<NormalOperator<Statistics::FermiDirac>>, public sequant::Expr

NormalOperatorSequence is a sequence NormalOperator objects, all ordered with respect to same vacuum.

Template Parameters:

S – specifies the particle statistics

Public Types

using base_type = container::svector<NormalOperator<S>>

Public Functions

inline NormalOperatorSequence()

constructs an empty sequence

template<typename ...NOps, typename = std::enable_if_t<(std::is_convertible_v<NOps, NormalOperator<S>> && ...)>>
inline NormalOperatorSequence(NOps&&... operators)

constructs from a parameter pack

inline NormalOperatorSequence(std::initializer_list<NormalOperator<S>> operators)

constructs from an initializer list

inline Vacuum vacuum() const
inline operator const base_type&() const &
inline operator base_type&&() &&
inline auto opsize() const


not to be confused with NormalOperatorSequence<S>::size() that returns the number of NormalOperator<S> objects


the total number of Op<S> objects in this

inline virtual void adjoint() override

adjoint of a NormalOperatorSequence is a reversed sequence of adjoints

inline virtual std::wstring to_latex() const override

the string representation of this in the LaTeX format

inline virtual Expr::type_id_type type_id() const override

Computes and returns the derived type identifier


this function must be overridden in the derived class


the hash value for this Expr

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr Statistics statistics = S