Template Class Op

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Class Documentation

template<Statistics S = Statistics::FermiDirac>
class Op

Op is a creator/annihilator operator.

Op = Index + Action

Template Parameters:

S – specifies the particle statistics

Public Functions

Op() = default
inline Op(Index index, Action action) noexcept
inline const Index &index() const
inline Index &index()
inline const Action &action() const
inline void adjoint()

changes this to its (Hermitian) adjoint

inline std::wstring to_latex() const

the string representation of this in LaTeX format

Public Static Functions

static inline std::wstring core_label()

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr Statistics statistics = S
struct TypeCompare

compares 2 Op objects while ignoring Index label (see Index::TypeCompare)

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(const Op<S> &first, const Op<S> &second)
struct TypeEquality

tests equality of 2 Op objects while ignoring Index label (see Index::TypeEquality)

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(const Op<S> &first, const Op<S> &second)