Template Class Singleton

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Class Documentation

template<typename Derived>
class Singleton

Singleton base class Singleton is a CRTP base class that provides a thread-safe way to create an immutable singleton object.

To create a singleton class A do:

class A : Singleton<A> {
    friend class Singleton<A>;
    A(...);  // define (private) constructors
Here’s how to use it:
// optional: create the instance of A
A::set_instance(Args...);  // this call-once method creates the instance of A; if A is default-constructible, can skip this as the instance will be created by first call to instance()
// access the instance of A
A& the_instance = A::instance();      // throws if A is not default-constructible or A::set_instance() had not been called to create the instance
// ... or ...
A* the_instance_ptr = A::instance_ptr();  // alternative to A::instance(), instead of throwing, returns nullptr
// the instance of A will be destroyed with other static-linkage objects
Singleton is thread-safe, in that multiple threads can call A::instance(), even if A::set_instance() has not been called yet.

Public Static Functions

static inline Derived &instance()

std::logic_error – if the instance has not been constructed (because Derived is not default-constructible and set_instance() had not been called)


reference to the instance

static inline Derived *instance_ptr()

same as instance(), but returns pointer to the instance, or nullptr if the instance has not been constructed


pointer to the instance, or nullptr if it has not yet been constructed

template<typename ...Args>
static inline Derived &set_instance(Args&&... args)

Constructs the instance. This must be called if Derived is not default-constructible.

Template Parameters:

Args – a parameter pack type


args – a parameter pack


std::logic_error – if the instance has already been constructed


reference to the newly-created instance

Protected Functions

template<typename ...Args>
inline Singleton(Args&&... args)

Protected Static Functions

static inline auto &instance_accessor()
static inline auto &instance_mutex()