Program Listing for File algorithm.hpp

Return to documentation for file (SeQuant/core/algorithm.hpp)

// Created by Eduard Valeyev on 2019-02-19.


#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>

namespace sequant {

template <typename ForwardIter, typename Sentinel, typename Compare>
void bubble_sort(ForwardIter begin, Sentinel end, Compare comp) {
  if (begin == end) return;  // no-op for empty range
  bool swapped;
  do {
    swapped = false;
    auto i = begin;
    auto inext = i;
    // iterators either dereference to a reference or to a composite of
    // references
    constexpr const bool iter_deref_to_ref =
    for (++inext; inext != end; ++i, ++inext) {
      if constexpr (iter_deref_to_ref) {
        auto& val0 = *inext;
        auto& val1 = *i;
        if (comp(val0, val1)) {
          using std::swap;
          swap(val1, val0);
          swapped = true;
      } else {
        auto val0 = *inext;
        auto val1 = *i;
        static_assert(std::tuple_size_v<decltype(val0)> == 2,
                      "need to generalize comparer to handle tuples");
        auto composite_compare = [&comp](auto&& c0, auto&& c1) {
          if (comp(std::get<0>(c0), std::get<0>(c1))) {  // c0[0] < c1[0]
            return true;
          } else if (!(comp(std::get<0>(c1),
                            std::get<0>(c0)))) {  // c0[0] == c1[0]
            return comp(std::get<1>(c0), std::get<1>(c1));
          } else {  // c0[0] > c1[0]
            return false;
        auto composite_swap = [](auto& c0, auto& c1) {
          using std::swap;
          swap(std::get<0>(c0), std::get<0>(c1));
          swap(std::get<1>(c0), std::get<1>(c1));
        if (composite_compare(val0, val1)) {
          composite_swap(val1, val0);
          swapped = true;
  } while (swapped);

template <typename BidirIt,
          typename Comp = std::less<decltype(*std::declval<BidirIt>())>>
bool next_permutation_parity(int& parity, BidirIt first, BidirIt last,
                             Comp const& comp = {}) {
  BidirIt i = last;
  if (first == last || first == --i) return false;

  for (;;) {
    BidirIt ii = i;
    if (comp(*i, *ii)) {
      BidirIt j = last;

      while (!comp(*i, *(--j))) {
        // do nothing here

      int p = parity + 1 /* for the single iter_swap */
              + std::distance(ii, last) / 2;
      parity = p % 2;
      std::iter_swap(i, j);
      std::reverse(ii, last);
      return true;
    if (i == first) {
      std::reverse(first, last);
      int p = parity + std::distance(first, last) / 2;
      parity = p % 2;
      return false;

}  // namespace sequant