Program Listing for File antisymmetrizer.hpp

Return to documentation for file (SeQuant/domain/mbpt/antisymmetrizer.hpp)

// created by Conner Masteran 06/1/2021


#include <SeQuant/core/expr.hpp>
#include <SeQuant/core/math.hpp>
#include <SeQuant/core/op.hpp>
#include <SeQuant/core/tensor.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

namespace sequant {

class antisymm_element {
  using IndexGroup = std::pair<size_t, size_t>;

      index_group;  // where each tensor begins and ends. assumes particle
                    // conserving ops. needed to keep track of canonical
                    // ordering
  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<Index>>>
      unique_bras_list;  // list of unique bra orderings with associated integer
                         // for the sign
  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<Index>>>
      unique_kets_list;  // list of unique ket orderings with associated integer
                         // for the sign
  ExprPtr current_product;  // used to keep track of the original expression
                            // recieved by the constructor

  // generates all possible permutations while observing the canonical ordering
  // of each tensor/operator function kept general to work with other data
  // types, algorithm does not require sequant::Index objects
  // @param a list of T objects/indices in the canonical ordering
  // @return a list of all permutations each with an associated sign
  template <typename T>
  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<T>>> gen_antisymm_unique(
      std::vector<T> ordered_indices) {
    std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<T>>> result;
    // next_permutation needs an ordered list. works for integers quite well.
    // Easiest to map T to an integer corresponding to its position in a vector
    // and then go back.
    std::vector<int> ordered_numbers;
    for (int i = 0; i < ordered_indices.size(); i++) {

    // return {next_exists, nswaps for this permutation} N.B.
    // nswaps_relative_to_input != nswaps_relative_to_оriginal
    auto swapcounting_tracking_next_permutation =
        [](auto first, auto last) -> std::pair<bool, int> {
      int nswaps = 0;
      using BidirIt = decltype(first);
      if (first == last) return std::make_pair(false, 0);
      BidirIt i = last;
      if (first == --i) return std::make_pair(false, 0);
      while (true) {
        BidirIt i1, i2;
        i1 = i;
        if (*--i < *i1) {
          i2 = last;
          while (!(*i < *--i2))
          std::iter_swap(i, i2);
          std::reverse(i1, last);
          nswaps += (std::distance(i1, last)) /
                    2;  // logic from
          return std::make_pair(true, nswaps);
        if (i == first) {
          std::reverse(first, last);
          nswaps += (std::distance(first, last)) / 2;
          return std::make_pair(false, nswaps);

    std::vector<int> numbers = ordered_numbers;
    result.push_back({1, ordered_indices});

    int total_swaps = 0;  // even # swaps produces positive and odd # of swaps
                          // produce negative
    [[maybe_unused]] int counter = 0;

    bool do_next_perm = true;

    while (do_next_perm) {
      auto do_swaps =
          swapcounting_tracking_next_permutation(begin(numbers), end(numbers));
      do_next_perm = do_swaps.first;
      total_swaps += do_swaps.second;
      if (!do_next_perm) {
      auto is_canonical_sign =
          [this, &total_swaps](const auto& indices) -> std::pair<bool, bool> {
        for (auto& group :
             this->index_group) {  // There is only one sorted possibility in a
                                   // set (tensor) considering that no index
                                   // label should be the same.
          if (!is_sorted(indices.begin() + group.first,
                         indices.begin() + group.second))
            return {
                total_swaps % 2 ==
                    0};  // total swaps divisible by 2 means true = positive.
        return {true, total_swaps % 2 == 0};
      // sieve out non-canonical terms
      auto [is_canonical, sign] = is_canonical_sign(numbers);
      if (is_canonical) {
        std::vector<T> return_vec(ordered_indices.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++) {
          return_vec[i] = ordered_indices[numbers[i]];
        if (sign) {
          result.push_back({1, return_vec});
        } else {
          result.push_back({-1, return_vec});
      counter += 1;
    return result;

  // takes a sequant::ExprPtr and generates all antisymmetric unique
  // permutations of that expression. requires that ex_ is a product expression
  // at this point
  // @param ex_ as product
  // populates a result ExprPtr that the user can grab. result is in general a
  // Sum.
  antisymm_element(ExprPtr ex_) {
    current_product = ex_;
    Constant::scalar_type starting_constant = 1;
    unsigned long begining_index = 0;
    for (auto it = begin(*ex_); it != end(*ex_); it++) {
      if (it->get()->is<Tensor>()) {
        auto factor = it->get()->as<Tensor>();
            {begining_index, begining_index + factor.bra_rank()});
        begining_index += factor.bra_rank();
        assert(factor.bra_rank() == factor.ket_rank());
        for (int i = 0; i < factor.rank(); i++) {
      } else if (it->get()->is<Constant>()) {
        starting_constant *= it->get()->as<Constant>().value();

      else if (it->get()->is<FNOperator>()) {
        auto factor = it->get()->as<FNOperator>();
            {begining_index, begining_index + factor.nannihilators()});
        begining_index += factor.nannihilators();
        assert(factor.ncreators() == factor.nannihilators());
        for (int i = 0; i < factor.rank(); i++) {
      } else {
        throw " unknown type of product, factor is not tensor, constant, or NormalOperator with FermiDirac statistics";

    unique_bras_list = gen_antisymm_unique(sorted_bra_indices);
    unique_kets_list = gen_antisymm_unique(sorted_ket_indices);

    auto new_sum = ex<Constant>(0);

    auto summand_exists =
        [&new_sum](ExprPtr ex) {  // check whether a summand has already been
                                  // generated to screen out same terms.
          bool value = false;
          for (auto summand = new_sum->begin_subexpr();
               summand != new_sum->end_subexpr(); summand++) {
            value = ex.get()->as<Product>() ==
                        ->as<Product>();  // ensure that this equality is
                                          // mathematical and not hash based.
            if (value == true) {
              return value;
          return value;

    for (int i = 0; i < unique_bras_list.size(); i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < unique_kets_list.size(); j++) {  // product level

        auto new_product =
            ex<Constant>(unique_kets_list[i].first * unique_bras_list[j].first *

        int index_label_pos = 0;
        for (auto it = begin(*ex_); it != end(*ex_); it++) {  // factor level
          if (it->get()->is<Constant>()) {
          }  // constant already captured in the first loop.
          else if (it->get()->is<Tensor>()) {
            auto old_tensor = it->get()->as<Tensor>();
            auto label = old_tensor.label();
            std::vector<Index> new_bras;
            std::vector<Index> new_kets;
            for (auto k = 0; k < old_tensor.rank(); k++) {  // index level
            auto new_tensor = ex<Tensor>(label, bra(std::move(new_bras)),
            new_product = new_tensor * new_product;

          else if (it->get()->is<FNOperator>()) {
            auto old_Nop = it->get()->as<FNOperator>();
            std::vector<Index> new_anni;
            std::vector<Index> new_crea;
            for (auto k = 0; k < old_Nop.rank(); k++) {
            auto new_Nop = ex<FNOperator>(cre(new_crea), ann(new_anni));
            new_product = new_product * new_Nop;
            // std::wcout << "product:  " << to_latex(new_product) << std::endl;

          else {
            throw " unknown type of product, factor is not tensor, constant, or NormalOperator with FermiDirac statistics";
        if (!summand_exists(
                new_product)) {  // since products are canonicalized, repeats
                                 // can be found.
          new_sum = new_sum + new_product;

    result = new_sum;

  std::vector<Index> sorted_bra_indices;  // The original order of the upper
                                          // indices on a given term
  std::vector<Index> sorted_ket_indices;  // the original order of the lower
                                          // indices on a given term
  ExprPtr result;

class antisymmetrize {
  ExprPtr result = ex<Constant>(0);

  antisymmetrize(ExprPtr s) {
    if (s->is<Sum>()) {
      for (auto&& product :
           s->as<Sum>().summands()) {  // for each element in the sum
        if (product->is<Product>()) {
          antisymm_element ele(
              product);  // calculate the sum of all the valid permutations for
                         // each term. each object here should only live until
                         // this loop ends.
          result = result + ele.result;  // append that to the final list;
        } else {
          result = result + product;
    } else if (s->is<Product>()) {
      antisymm_element answer(ex<Product>(s->as<Product>()));
      result = answer.result;
    } else {
      result = s;

namespace antisymm {
// function which counts number of closed loops from the starting order of upper
// and lower indices and the contracted indices. since the ordering of the new
// contracted indices is arbitrary, the algorithm searched for the upper index
// which would connect to the lower index checks if contracted lower index
// closes the loop, if not, continue searching until the corresponding upper
// index is not present, or the loop closes. keep track of which indices are
// used so that loops are not double counted
//@param1 initial order of upper indices before contraction, @param 2 initial
// order of lower indices before contraction, @param 3 set of contracted upper
// indices, @param 4 set of lower contracted indices.
// @out the number of loops.
// TODO Test this function extensively and add more asserts
int num_closed_loops(std::vector<Index> init_upper,
                     std::vector<Index> init_lower,
                     std::vector<Index> new_upper,
                     std::vector<Index> new_lower) {
  int result = 0;
  auto equal_indices = [](Index i1, Index i2) {
    return i1.label() == i2.label();
  auto where_same_ele = [&](Index i1, std::vector<Index> ref_list) {
    int hit_counter = 0;
    int where;
    bool in_list = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < ref_list.size(); i++) {
      if (equal_indices(i1, ref_list[i])) {
        hit_counter += 1;
        where = i;
        in_list = true;
    assert(hit_counter < 2);
    std::pair<int, bool> result(where, in_list);
    return result;

  std::vector<Index> in_loop;  // lower indices already in a loop.
  for (int i = 0; i < new_upper.size(); i++) {
    assert(new_upper.size() == new_lower.size());
    if (!where_same_ele(new_lower[i], in_loop).second) {
      auto starting_point = where_same_ele(new_upper[i], init_upper).first;
      auto chain_end = init_lower[starting_point];

      bool closed = equal_indices(chain_end, new_lower[i]);
      auto lower_index = new_lower[i];
      while (!closed) {
        auto where_exist = where_same_ele(
            init_upper[where_same_ele(lower_index, init_lower).first],
            new_upper);  // if the  initial upper index is the same particle as
                         // the new lower index in question, find it in the new
                         // upper list.
        if (!where_exist
                 .second) {  // if the upper particle index originally connected
                             // to the lower index in question is not part of a
                             // contraction, there is no loop with these.
        } else {
          lower_index = new_lower[where_exist.first];  // the lower index below
                                                       // the found upper index
              lower_index);  // this lower index is part of one loop so it
                             // cannot be part of another.
          closed = equal_indices(chain_end,
                                 lower_index);  // is the lower index the same
                                                // as the end of the chain?
      if (closed) {
        result += 1;
          new_lower[i]);  // put the starting lower index in the list
  assert(in_loop.size() <= init_lower.size());
  assert(result <= init_lower.size());
  return result;

// for the mnemonic rules of spin summing to work, each individual
// tensor/FNOperator needs to maximally resemble the original tensor, so indices
// may need to be swapped (and the sign changed).
//  this does not matter for spin-orbital expressions, but the rules become
//  incredibly simple if things stay maximally the same.
//  @param1 original upper indices
//  @param2 original lower indices
//  @param3 starting expression
ExprPtr max_similarity(const std::vector<Index>& original_upper,
                       const std::vector<Index>& original_lower,
                       ExprPtr expression) {
  // index pairing is originally understood as a position in the original
  // vectors, but for this case, a map may do better.
  std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> original_map;
  for (int i = 0; i < original_upper.size(); i++) {
  for (auto&& product : expression->as<Sum>().summands()) {
    for (auto&& factor : product->as<Product>().factors()) {
      int og_pairs = 0;
      int new_pairs = 0;
      if (factor->is<Tensor>()) {
        std::vector<Index> current_upper;
        std::vector<Index> current_lower;
        if (factor->as<Tensor>().rank() == 2) {
          for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                original_map.find(factor->as<Tensor>().ket()[i].to_latex()) !=
            if (original_map.find(factor->as<Tensor>().ket()[i].to_latex())
                    ->second == factor->as<Tensor>().bra()[i].to_latex()) {
              og_pairs += 1;
          std::iter_swap(current_lower.begin(), current_lower.begin() + 1);
          for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            assert(original_map.find(current_upper[i].to_latex()) !=
            if (original_map.find(current_upper[i].to_latex())->second ==
                current_lower[i].to_latex()) {
              new_pairs += 1;
        if (new_pairs > og_pairs) {
          factor = ex<Constant>(-1) * ex<Tensor>(factor->as<Tensor>().label(),
      } else if (factor->is<FNOperator>()) {
        std::vector<Index> current_upper;
        std::vector<Index> current_lower;
        if (factor->as<FNOperator>().rank() == 2) {
          for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                                         .to_latex()) != original_map.end());
            if (original_map
                    ->second ==
                factor->as<FNOperator>().annihilators()[i].index().to_latex()) {
              og_pairs += 1;
          std::iter_swap(current_lower.begin(), current_lower.begin() + 1);
          for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            assert(original_map.find(current_upper[i].to_latex()) !=
            if (original_map.find(current_upper[i].to_latex())->second ==
                current_lower[i].to_latex()) {
              new_pairs += 1;
        if (new_pairs > og_pairs) {
          factor =
              ex<Constant>(-1) * ex<FNOperator>(cre(std::move(current_upper)),
  return expression;

// not a general spin-summing procedure, implementation for a known singlet
// state for the prefactor rules to apply.
// @param1 an antisymm_element object strictly so the original ordering of the
// indices is known
// @param2 bool singlet_state? the looping rules and contraction prefactors are
// a direct result of the singlet state approximation to densities.
// TODO: use a generalized spin summation for non-singlet states
ExprPtr spin_sum(std::vector<Index> original_upper,
                 std::vector<Index> original_lower, ExprPtr expression,
                 bool singlet_state = true) {
  if (singlet_state) {
    // std::wcout << "before spin sum! :" << std::endl <<
    // to_latex_align(expression) << std::endl;
    auto init_upper = original_upper;
    auto init_lower = original_lower;
    max_similarity(original_upper, original_lower, expression);
    // may need to add separate loop if the result is a single product or
    // Operator/Tensor
    auto return_val = ex<Constant>(0);
    for (auto&& product : expression->as<Sum>().summands()) {
      auto prefactor = ex<Constant>(
          rational{1, 8});  // each term in the 3 body decomp, should have
                            // (1 /2^n) prefactor where n is rank of product
                            // so product rank always 3 for 3 body decomp
      std::vector<Index> new_upper;
      std::vector<Index> new_lower;
      for (auto&& factor : product->as<Product>().factors()) {
        if (factor->is<Tensor>() && factor->as<Tensor>().label() == L"γ") {
          // prefactor = ex<Constant>(-0.5) *
          // ex<Constant>(factor->as<Tensor>().rank()) * prefactor;
          for (int i = 0; i < factor->as<Tensor>().rank(); i++) {
          factor = ex<Tensor>(L"Γ", factor->as<Tensor>().bra(),
        } else if (factor->is<FNOperator>()) {
          // prefactor = ex<Constant>(-0.5) *
          // ex<Constant>(factor->as<Tensor>().rank()) * prefactor;
          for (int i = 0; i < factor->as<FNOperator>().rank(); i++) {
      // std::wcout << to_latex_align(product) << std::endl;
      int nloops =
          num_closed_loops(init_upper, init_lower, new_upper, new_lower);
      // std::wcout  << "nloops: " << nloops << std::endl;
      if (nloops == 0) {
      } else {
        prefactor = ex<Constant>(pow2(nloops)) * prefactor;
      return_val = (product * prefactor) + return_val;
    return return_val;
  } else {
    throw " non-singlet states not yet supported";
}  // namespace antisymm
}  // namespace sequant