This is the complete list of members for sc::Backtrack, including all inherited members.
apply_transform(const Ref< NonlinearTransform > &) | sc::LineOpt | virtual |
Backtrack(const Ref< KeyVal > &) (defined in sc::Backtrack) | sc::Backtrack | |
backtrack_factor_ (defined in sc::Backtrack) | sc::Backtrack | protected |
ckpt_ (defined in sc::Optimize) | sc::Optimize | protected |
ckpt_file (defined in sc::Optimize) | sc::Optimize | protected |
class_desc() const | sc::DescribedClass | |
class_name() const | sc::DescribedClass | |
class_version() const | sc::DescribedClass | |
conv_ (defined in sc::Optimize) | sc::Optimize | protected |
decrease_factor() | sc::LineOpt | inline |
decrease_factor_ (defined in sc::LineOpt) | sc::LineOpt | protected |
dereference() | sc::RefCount | inline |
DescribedClass() (defined in sc::DescribedClass) | sc::DescribedClass | |
DescribedClass(const DescribedClass &) (defined in sc::DescribedClass) | sc::DescribedClass | |
dimension() const (defined in sc::Optimize) | sc::Optimize | inline |
dir_restore_state(StateIn &si, const char *objectname, const char *keyword=0) (defined in sc::SavableState) | sc::SavableState | static |
function() const | sc::Optimize | inline |
function_ (defined in sc::LineOpt) | sc::LineOpt | protected |
identifier() | sc::Identity | inline |
init(RefSCVector &direction) | sc::LineOpt | virtual |
init(RefSCVector &direction, Ref< Function > function) | sc::LineOpt | virtual |
sc::Optimize::init() | sc::Optimize | virtual |
initial_grad_ (defined in sc::LineOpt) | sc::LineOpt | protected |
initial_value_ (defined in sc::LineOpt) | sc::LineOpt | protected |
initial_x_ (defined in sc::LineOpt) | sc::LineOpt | protected |
key_restore_state(StateIn &si, const char *keyword) | sc::SavableState | static |
LineOpt() (defined in sc::LineOpt) | sc::LineOpt | |
LineOpt(StateIn &) (defined in sc::LineOpt) | sc::LineOpt | |
LineOpt(const Ref< KeyVal > &) (defined in sc::LineOpt) | sc::LineOpt | |
lock_ptr() const | sc::RefCount | |
managed() const (defined in sc::RefCount) | sc::RefCount | inline |
managed() const | sc::RefCount | inline |
matrixkit() const (defined in sc::Optimize) | sc::Optimize | inline |
max_iterations_ (defined in sc::Optimize) | sc::Optimize | protected |
max_stepsize_ (defined in sc::Optimize) | sc::Optimize | protected |
n_iterations_ (defined in sc::Optimize) | sc::Optimize | protected |
nreference() const | sc::RefCount | inline |
operator=(const SavableState &) (defined in sc::SavableState) | sc::SavableState | |
operator=(const DescribedClass &) (defined in sc::DescribedClass) | sc::DescribedClass | |
operator=(const RefCount &) (defined in sc::RefCount) | sc::RefCount | inlineprotected |
Optimize() (defined in sc::Optimize) | sc::Optimize | |
Optimize(StateIn &) | sc::Optimize | |
Optimize(const Ref< KeyVal > &) | sc::Optimize | |
optimize() | sc::Optimize | virtual |
print(std::ostream &=ExEnv::out0()) const | sc::DescribedClass | virtual |
print_timings_ (defined in sc::Optimize) | sc::Optimize | protected |
RefCount() (defined in sc::RefCount) | sc::RefCount | inlineprotected |
RefCount(const RefCount &) (defined in sc::RefCount) | sc::RefCount | inlineprotected |
reference() | sc::RefCount | inline |
restore_state(StateIn &si) | sc::SavableState | static |
SavableState() (defined in sc::SavableState) | sc::SavableState | protected |
SavableState(const SavableState &) (defined in sc::SavableState) | sc::SavableState | protected |
SavableState(StateIn &) | sc::SavableState | protected |
save_data_state(StateOut &) | sc::LineOpt | virtual |
save_object_state(StateOut &) | sc::SavableState | |
save_state(StateOut &) | sc::SavableState | |
save_state(SavableState *s, StateOut &) (defined in sc::SavableState) | sc::SavableState | static |
save_vbase_state(StateOut &) | sc::SavableState | virtual |
search_direction_ (defined in sc::LineOpt) | sc::LineOpt | protected |
set_checkpoint() | sc::Optimize | |
set_checkpoint_file(const char *) (defined in sc::Optimize) | sc::Optimize | |
set_decrease_factor(double factor) | sc::LineOpt | inline |
set_function(const Ref< Function > &) | sc::Optimize | |
set_max_iterations(int) | sc::Optimize | |
sufficient_decrease(RefSCVector &step) (defined in sc::LineOpt) | sc::LineOpt | protected |
unlock_ptr() const | sc::RefCount | |
unmanage() | sc::RefCount | inline |
update() | sc::Backtrack | virtual |
use_locks(bool inVal) | sc::RefCount | |
~Backtrack() (defined in sc::Backtrack) | sc::Backtrack | inline |
~DescribedClass() (defined in sc::DescribedClass) | sc::DescribedClass | virtual |
~Identity() (defined in sc::Identity) | sc::Identity | virtual |
~LineOpt() (defined in sc::LineOpt) | sc::LineOpt | |
~Optimize() (defined in sc::Optimize) | sc::Optimize | virtual |
~RefCount() (defined in sc::RefCount) | sc::RefCount | virtual |
~SavableState() (defined in sc::SavableState) | sc::SavableState | virtual |