►NMPQC | |
CCartesianIterCCA | |
CChemistry_Molecule_impl | Symbol "MPQC.Chemistry_Molecule" (version 0.2) |
CChemistry_MoleculeViewer_impl | Symbol "MPQC.Chemistry_MoleculeViewer" (version 0.2) |
CChemistry_QC_Model_impl | Symbol "MPQC.Chemistry_QC_Model" (version 0.2) |
CChemistry_QC_ModelFactory_impl | Symbol "MPQC.Chemistry_QC_ModelFactory" (version 0.2) |
CChemistryOpt_CoordinateModel_impl | Symbol "MPQC.ChemistryOpt_CoordinateModel" (version 0.2) |
CComponentClassDescription_impl | Symbol "MPQC.ComponentClassDescription" (version 0.2) |
CComponentFactory_impl | Symbol "MPQC.ComponentFactory" (version 0.2) |
CGaussianBasis_Atomic_impl | Symbol "MPQC.GaussianBasis_Atomic" (version 0.2) |
CGaussianBasis_Molecular_impl | Symbol "MPQC.GaussianBasis_Molecular" (version 0.2) |
CGaussianBasis_Shell_impl | Symbol "MPQC.GaussianBasis_Shell" (version 0.2) |
CIntegralEvaluator2_impl | Symbol "MPQC.IntegralEvaluator2" (version 0.2) |
CIntegralEvaluator3_impl | Symbol "MPQC.IntegralEvaluator3" (version 0.2) |
CIntegralEvaluator4_impl | Symbol "MPQC.IntegralEvaluator4" (version 0.2) |
CIntegralEvaluatorFactory_impl | Symbol "MPQC.IntegralEvaluatorFactory" (version 0.2) |
CPhysics_Units_impl | Symbol "MPQC.Physics_Units" (version 0.2) |
CSimpleDriver_impl | Symbol "MPQC.SimpleDriver" (version 0.2) |
►Nsc | |
CAccResult | This associates a result datum with an accuracy |
CAccResultInfo | This is like ResultInfo but the accuracy with which a result was computed as well as the desired accuracy are stored |
CAccumEffectiveH | |
CAccumH | |
CAccumHNull | |
CActiveMsgMemoryGrp | The ActiveMsgMemoryGrp abstract class specializes the MsgMemoryGrp class |
CAggregateKeyVal | This takes several KeyVal objects and makes them look like one KeyVal object |
CALevelShift | |
CAlgorithmException | This exception is thrown whenever a problem with an algorithm is encountered |
CAngularIntegrator | An abstract base class for angular integrators |
CAnimatedObject | |
CAppearance | |
CARMCIMemoryGrp | The ARMCIMemoryGrp concrete class provides an implementation of MsgMemoryGrp |
CAssignedKeyVal | This class allows keyval associations to be set up by the program, rather than determined by an external file |
CAtomInfo | Information about atoms |
CAtomProximityColorizer | |
Cauto_vec | The auto_vec class functions much like auto_ptr, except it contains references to arrays |
►CAVLMap | |
Citerator | |
CAVLMapNode | |
►CAVLSet | |
Citerator | |
CBacktrack | |
CBasisFileSet | |
CBatchElectronDensity | This a more highly optimized than ElectronDensity since everything is precomputed |
CBcastState | This creates and forwards/retrieves data from either a BcastStateRecv or a BcastStateSend depending on the value of the argument to constructor |
CBcastStateInBin | BcastStateBin reads a file in written by StateInBin on node 0 and broadcasts it to all nodes so state can be simultaneously restored on all nodes |
CBcastStateRecv | BcastStateRecv does the receive part of a broadcast of an object to all nodes |
CBcastStateSend | BcastStateSend does the send part of a broadcast of an object to all nodes |
CBecke88XFunctional | Implements Becke's 1988 exchange functional |
CBeckeIntegrationWeight | Implements Becke's integration weight scheme |
CBEMSolvent | |
CBEMSolventH | |
CBendSimpleCo | Describes an bend internal coordinate of a molecule |
CBFGSUpdate | The DFPUpdate class is used to specify a Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno hessian update scheme |
CBiggestContribs | |
CBitArrayLTri | |
CBLevelShift | |
CBlockedDiagSCMatrix | |
CBlockedSCElementOp | |
CBlockedSCElementOp2 | |
CBlockedSCElementOp3 | |
CBlockedSCMatrix | |
CBlockedSCMatrixKit | |
CBlockedSCVector | |
CBlockedSymmSCMatrix | |
CBuildIntV3 | |
Ccanonical_aaaa | If the shell loop structure has 8 fold symmetry, then this should be used as the template argument to GPetite4 |
Ccanonical_aabb | If the shell loop structure has 2 fold symmetry between the first two indices and a 2 fold symmetry between the last two indices, then this should be used as the template argument to GPetite4 |
Ccanonical_aabc | If the shell loop structure has 2 fold symmetry between the first two indices, then this should be used as the template argument to GPetite4 |
Ccanonical_abcd | If the shell loop structure has no symmetry, then this should be used as the template argument to GPetite4 |
CCartesianIter | CartesianIter gives the ordering of the Cartesian functions within a shell for the particular integrals specialization |
CCartesianIterCCA | |
CCartesianIterCints | |
CCartesianIterV3 | |
CCartMolecularCoor | Implements Cartesian coordinates in a way suitable for use in geometry optimizations |
CCCAEnv | Handles embedded CCA frameworks |
CCharacterTable | Workable character table for all of the non-cubic point groups |
CClassDesc | This class is used to contain information about classes |
CCLHF | CLHF is a Hartree-Fock specialization of CLSCF |
CCLKS | This provides a Kohn-Sham implementation for closed-shell systems |
CCLSCF | Base for classes implementing a self-consistent procedure for closed-shell molecules |
CColor | |
Ccommbuf_struct | |
CCompute | Means of keeping results up to date |
CConnollyShape | DiscreteConnollyShape and ConnollyShape should produce the same result |
Ccontribution | |
CConvergence | Used by the optimizer to determine when an optimization is converged |
CCorrelationTable | Correlation table between two point groups |
CCS2Sphere | |
CCSGrad34Qbtr | |
CCSGradErep12Qtr | |
CCSGradS2PDM | |
CDebugger | Describes what should be done when a catastrophic error causes unexpected program termination |
CDenFunctional | An abstract base class for density functionals |
CDenIntegrator | An abstract base class for integrating the electron density |
CDensityColorizer | |
Cder_centersv3_t | |
CDerivCenters | DerivCenters keeps track the centers that derivatives are taken with respect to |
CDescribedClass | Classes which need runtime information about themselves and their relationship to other classes can virtually inherit from DescribedClass |
CDescribedClassProxy | |
CDescribedMemberDatum | |
CDFPUpdate | Used to specify a Davidson, Fletcher, and Powell hessian update scheme |
CDiagMolecularHessian | DiagMolecularHessian is an implementation of MolecularHessian that returns a hessian that is a diagonal matrix |
CDiagSCMatrix | The SymmSCMatrix class is the abstract base class for diagonal double valued matrices |
CDiagSCMatrixdouble | |
CDIIS | DIIS extrapolation |
CDipoleData | |
CDipoleIntV3 | |
CDiscreteConnollyShape | DiscreteConnollyShape and ConnollyShape should produce the same result |
CDistDiagSCMatrix | |
CDistSCMatrix | |
CDistSCMatrixKit | The DistSCMatrixKit produces matrices that work in a many processor environment |
CDistSCMatrixListSubblockIter | |
CDistSCVector | |
►CDistShellPair | Distributes shell pairs either statically or dynamically |
CSharedData | This is used to store data that must be shared between all cooperating shell pairs |
Cdistsize_t | |
CDistSymmSCMatrix | |
►CEAVLMMap | |
Citerator | |
CEAVLMMapNode | |
CEdge | |
CEFCOpt | Implements eigenvector following as described by Baker in J |
CEfieldDotVectorData | |
CEfieldDotVectorIntV3 | |
CElectronDensity | This is a Volume that computer the electron density |
CEriCints | EriCints is a specialization of Int2eCints that computes electron repulsion integrals |
CEulerMaclaurinRadialIntegrator | An implementation of a radial integrator using the Euler-Maclaurin weights and grid points |
CExEnv | Used to find out about how the program is being run |
CExtendedHuckelWfn | |
CExtentData | |
CFeatureNotImplemented | This is thrown when an attempt is made to use a feature that is not yet implemented |
CFileGrp | The FileGrp abstract class provides a way of accessing distributed file in a parallel machine |
CFileOperationFailed | This is thrown when an operation on a file fails |
CFileRender | |
CFinDispMolecularHessian | Computes the molecular hessian by finite displacements of gradients |
CFJT | |
CForceLink | This, together with ForceLinkBase, is used to force code for particular classes to be linked into executables |
CForceLinkBase | This, together with ForceLink, is used to force code for particular classes to be linked into executables |
CFreeData | |
CFunction | Abstract base class that, given a set of coordinates, will compute a value and possibly a gradient and hessian at that point |
CG96XFunctional | Implements the Gill 1996 (G96) exchange functional |
►CGaussianBasisSet | Used describe a basis set composed of atomic gaussian orbitals |
CValueData | This holds scratch data needed to compute basis function values |
CGaussianShell | A Gaussian orbital shell |
CGaussLegendreAngularIntegrator | An implementation of an angular integrator using the Gauss-Legendre weights and grid points |
CGaussTriangleIntegrator | |
CGBuild | |
CGenPetite4 | This class is an abstract base to a generalized four index petite list |
CGetLongOpt | |
CGlobalCounter | |
CGlobalMsgIter | |
CGPetite4 | This class provides a generalized four index petite list |
CGradDensityColorizer | |
CGrpArithmeticAndReduce | |
CGrpArithmeticOrReduce | |
CGrpArithmeticXOrReduce | |
CGrpFunctionReduce | |
CGrpMaxReduce | |
CGrpMinReduce | |
CGrpProductReduce | |
CGrpReduce | |
CGrpSumReduce | |
CGRTCints | GRTCints is a specialization of Int2eCints that computes two-electron integrals specific to linear R12 methods |
CGSGeneralEffH | |
CGSHighSpinEffH | |
CGuessMolecularHessian | GuessMolecularHessian is an implementation of MolecularHessian that estimates the hessian based on the internal coordinates |
CHCoreWfn | |
CHessianUpdate | The HessianUpdate abstract class is used to specify a hessian update scheme |
CHSOSHF | HSOSHF is a Hartree-Fock specialization of HSOSSCF |
CHSOSKS | This provides a Kohn-Sham implementation for restricted-orbital high-spin open-shell systems |
CHSOSSCF | Base for classes implementing a self-consistent procedure for high-spin open-shell molecules |
CHSOSV1Erep1Qtr | |
CHypercubeGMI | |
CHypercubeTopology | |
CIdentifier | Identifier's are used to distinguish and order objects |
CIdentity | Identity gives objects a unique identity and ordering relationship relative to all other objects |
CIdentityTransform | The IdentityTransform is a special case of NonlinearTransform were no transformation takes place |
CImplicitSurfacePolygonizer | |
CInputError | This is thrown when invalid input is provided |
CInt1eCCA | Int1eCCA adapts CCA integrals components for use within SC |
CInt1eCints | Int1eCints is used by OneBodyIntCints and OneBodyDerivIntCints to implement IntegralCints |
CInt1eV3 | Int1eV3 is a class wrapper for the one body part of the C language IntV3 library |
CInt2eCCA | Int2eCCA adapts CCA integrals components for use within SC |
CInt2eCints | Int2eCints is an interface to various specializations of two-electron integral evaluators implemented in Cints |
►CInt2eV3 | Int2eV3 is a class wrapper for the two body part of the C language IntV3 library |
Cstore_list | |
CIntCoor | The IntCoor abstract class describes an internal coordinate of a molecule |
CIntCoorGen | IntCoorGen generates a set of simple internal coordinates for a molecule |
CIntegral | The Integral abstract class acts as a factory to provide objects that compute one and two electron integrals |
CIntegralCCA | IntegralCCA provides an SC client for CCA IntegralEvaluator components |
CIntegralCints | IntegralCints computes integrals between Gaussian basis functions |
CIntegralKey | |
CIntegralLink | |
CIntegralStorer | |
CIntegralV3 | IntegralV3 computes integrals between Gaussian basis functions |
CIntegrationWeight | An abstract base class for computing grid weights |
Cintlist_struct | |
CintMessageGrp | Uses integer message types to send and receive messages |
CIntMolecularCoor | The IntMolecularCoor abstract class describes a molecule's coordinates in terms of internal coordinates |
CIntV3Arraydouble2 | |
CIntV3Arraydouble3 | |
CIntV3Arraydoublep2 | |
CIntV3Arraydoublep3 | |
CIntV3Arraydoublep4 | |
CIntV3Arrayint3 | |
CIntV3Arrayint4 | |
Cip_cwk_stack_struct | |
Cip_keyword_tree_list_struct | |
Cip_keyword_tree_struct | |
Cip_string_list_struct | |
CIPV2 | |
CIrreducibleRepresentation | Information associated with a particular irreducible representation of a point group |
CIsosurfaceGen | |
CISphericalTransform | This describes a solid harmonic to Cartesian transform |
CISphericalTransformCCA | |
CISphericalTransformCints | |
CISphericalTransformV3 | |
CKeyVal | Designed to simplify the process of allowing a user to specify keyword/value associations to a C++ program |
CKeyValValue | |
CKeyValValueboolean | |
CKeyValValuechar | |
CKeyValValuedouble | |
CKeyValValuefloat | |
CKeyValValueint | |
CKeyValValuepchar | |
CKeyValValueRefDescribedClass | |
CKeyValValuesize | |
CKeyValValuestring | |
CKeyValValueString | |
CLebedevLaikovIntegrator | An implementation of a Lebedev angular integrator |
CLevelShift | |
CLibintStaticInterface | |
CLibr12StaticInterface | |
CLimitExceeded | This is thrown when a limit is exceeded |
CLineOpt | The LineOpt abstract class is used to perform one dimensional optimizations |
CLinIPSimpleCo | Describes an in-plane component of a linear bend internal coordinate of a molecule |
CLinOPSimpleCo | Describes an out-of-plane component of a linear bend internal coordinate of a molecule |
CLocalCLHFContribution | |
CLocalCLHFEnergyContribution | |
CLocalCLHFGradContribution | |
CLocalCLKSContribution | |
CLocalCLKSEnergyContribution | |
CLocalDiagSCMatrix | |
CLocalGBuild | |
CLocalHSOSKSContribution | |
CLocalHSOSKSEnergyContribution | |
CLocalLBGBuild | |
CLocalOSSContribution | |
CLocalOSSEnergyContribution | |
CLocalOSSGradContribution | |
CLocalSCMatrix | |
CLocalSCMatrixKit | The LocalSCMatrixKit produces matrices that work in a single processor environment |
CLocalSCVector | |
CLocalSymmSCMatrix | |
CLocalTBGrad | |
CLocalTCContribution | |
CLocalTCEnergyContribution | |
CLocalTCGradContribution | |
CLocalUHFContribution | |
CLocalUHFEnergyContribution | |
CLocalUHFGradContribution | |
CLocalUKSContribution | |
CLocalUKSEnergyContribution | |
CLSDACFunctional | An abstract base class for local correlation functionals |
CLYPCFunctional | Implements the Lee, Yang, and Parr functional |
CMachineTopology | |
Cmat3 | |
Cmat4 | |
CMaterial | |
CMaxIterExceeded | This is thrown when an iterative algorithm attempts to use more iterations than allowed |
CMBPT2 | Implements several second-order perturbation theory methods |
CMBPT2_R12 | Implements several linear R12 second-order perturbation theory methods |
CMCSearch | This performs line searches with cubic steps |
CMemAllocFailed | This is thrown when a memory allocation fails |
CMemoryDataRequest | |
CMemoryDataRequestQueue | |
CMemoryGrp | The MemoryGrp abstract class provides a way of accessing distributed memory in a parallel machine |
CMemoryGrpBuf | The MemoryGrpBuf class provides access to pieces of the global shared memory that have been obtained with MemoryGrp |
CMemoryIter | |
Cmessage_struct | |
CMessageGrp | The MessageGrp abstract class provides a mechanism for moving data and objects between nodes in a parallel machine |
CMOIndexSpace | Class MOIndexSpace describes a range of molecular orbitals or similar objects that are linear combinations of basis functions (e.g |
CMOIntsTransformFactory | MOIntsTransformFactory is a factory that produces MOIntsTransform objects |
CMOLagrangian | |
CMolecularCoor | The MolecularCoor abstract class describes the coordinate system used to describe a molecule |
CMolecularEnergy | The MolecularEnergy abstract class inherits from the Function class |
CMolecularFormula | Used to calculate the molecular formula of a Molecule |
CMolecularFrequencies | Used to compute the molecular frequencies and thermodynamic information |
CMolecularHessian | MolecularHessian is an abstract class that computes a molecule's second derivatives of the energy with respect to changes in the nuclear coordinates |
CMolecule | Information about molecules |
CMoleculeColorizer | |
CMolEnergyConvergence | |
CMolFreqAnimate | |
CMOPairIter | MOPairIter gives the ordering of orbital pairs |
CMOPairIterFactory | This class produces MOPairIter objects |
CMP2BasisExtrap | |
CMP2R12Energy | Class MP2R12Energy is the object that computes and maintains MP2-R12 energies |
CMPIMessageGrp | Concrete implementation of MessageGrp that uses the MPI 1 library |
CMPQCInDatum | |
CmPW91XFunctional | Implements a modified 1991 Perdew-Wang exchange functional |
Cmsgbuf_struct | |
CMsgMemoryGrp | A MsgMemoryGrp that initializes its data using a messagegrp |
CMsgStateBufRecv | The MsgStateBufRecv is an abstract base class that buffers objects sent through a MessageGrp |
CMsgStateRecv | The MsgStateRecv is an abstract base class that receives objects from nodes in a MessageGrp |
CMsgStateSend | The MsgStateSend is an abstract base class that sends objects to nodes in a MessageGrp |
CMTMPIMemoryGrp | This MemoryGrp class requires a MT-safe MPI implementation |
CNCAccResult | This associates a result non-class datum with an accuracy |
CNCResult | This is similar to Result, but can be used with non-class types |
CNElFunctional | The NElFunctional computes the number of electrons |
CNewP86CFunctional | |
CNewtonOpt | |
CNonlinearTransform | Transforms between two nonlinear coordinate systems |
CNonreentrantUncappedTorusHoleShape | |
COneBody3IntOp | |
COneBodyDerivInt | OneBodyDerivInt is an abstract base class for objects that compute one body derivative integrals |
COneBodyDerivIntCCA | This implements one body derivative integrals |
COneBodyDerivIntV3 | This implements one body derivative integrals in the IntV3 library |
COneBodyInt | OneBodyInt is an abstract base class for objects that compute integrals between two basis functions |
COneBodyIntCCA | This implements one body integrals through the CCA interface |
COneBodyIntCints | This implements most one body integrals in the Cints library |
COneBodyIntIter | |
COneBodyIntOp | |
COneBodyIntV3 | This implements most one body integrals in the IntV3 library |
COneBodyOneCenterDerivInt | OneBodyOneCenterDerivInt is an abstract base class for objects that compute one body derivative integrals on a single center |
COneBodyOneCenterInt | OneBodyOneCenterInt is an abstract base class for objects that compute integrals between two basis functions |
COneBodyOneCenterWrapper | |
COneBodySOInt | |
COneBodyWavefunction | A OneBodyWavefunction is a MolecularEnergy that solves an effective one-body problem |
COOGLRender | |
COptimize | Abstract base class for classes that find the extreme points of Function's |
COrbital | |
COutSimpleCo | |
COverlapOrthog | This class computes the orthogonalizing transform for a basis set |
CP86CFunctional | Implements the Perdew 1986 (P86) correlation functional |
CParallelRegionTimer | |
CParameter | |
CParentClass | Gives one parent class of a class |
CParentClasses | Gives a list of parent classes of a class |
CParsedKeyVal | Converts textual information into keyword/value assocations |
CPBECFunctional | Implements the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) correlation functional |
CPBEXFunctional | Implements the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange functional |
CPetiteList | |
CPointChargeData | |
CPointChargeIntV3 | |
CPointGroup | Really a place holder for a CharacterTable |
►CPointInputData | Contains data needed at each point by a DenFunctional |
CSpinData | |
CPointOutputData | Contains data generated at each point by a DenFunctional |
CPool | |
CPoolData | |
CPowellUpdate | Used to specify a Powell hessian update |
CPrefixKeyVal | PrefixKeyVal is a KeyVal that searches a different KeyVal using modified keys |
Cprim_pair_t | |
CPrimPairsCints | PrimPairsCints contains primitive pair data |
CProcFileGrp | The ProcFileGrp concrete class provides an implementation of FileGrp for a single processor |
CProcMemoryGrp | The ProcMemoryGrp concrete class provides an implementation of MemoryGrp for a single processor |
CProcMessageGrp | ProcMessageGrp provides a concrete specialization of MessageGrp that supports only one node |
CProcThreadGrp | Privides a concrete thread group appropriate for an environment where there is only one thread |
CProgrammingError | This is thrown when a situations arises that should be impossible |
CPsiCCSD | PsiCCSD is a concrete implementation of Psi CCSD wave function |
CPsiCCSD_T | PsiCCSD_T is a concrete implementation of Psi CCSD(T) wave function |
CPsiCLHF | PsiCLHF is a concrete implementation of Psi RHF wave function |
CPsiEffH | |
CPsiExEnv | PsiExEnv specifies a Psi calculation |
CPsiFile11 | PsiFile11 is a Psi gradient file |
CPsiHSOSHF | PsiHSOSHF is a concrete implementation of Psi ROHF wave function |
CPsiInput | PsiInput is a Psi input file |
CPsiSCF | PsiSCF is an abstract base for all Psi SCF wave functions |
CPsiUHF | PsiUHF is a concrete implementation of Psi UHF wave function |
CPsiWavefunction | PsiWavefunction is an abstract base for all Psi wave functions |
CPthreadThreadGrp | Privides a concrete thread group appropriate for an environment where pthreads is available |
CPumaThreadGrp | Privides a concrete thread group appropriate for the intel teraflops machine |
CPW86XFunctional | Implements the Perdew-Wang 1986 (PW86) Exchange functional |
CPW91CFunctional | The Perdew-Wang 1991 correlation functional computes energies and densities using the designated local correlation functional |
CPW91XFunctional | The Perdew-Wang 1991 exchange functional computes energies and densities using the designated local correlation functional |
CPW92LCFunctional | Implements the PW92 local (LSDA) correlation term |
CPZ81LCFunctional | Implements the PZ81 local (LSDA) correlation functional |
CQNewtonOpt | The QNewtonOpt implements a quasi-Newton optimization scheme |
CR12Amplitudes | R12Amplitudes gives the amplitudes of some linear-R12-ansatz-related terms in wave function |
CR12IntEval | R12IntEval is the top-level class which computes intermediates occuring in linear R12 theories |
CR12IntEvalInfo | Class R12IntEvalInfo contains information necessary for R12 intermediate evaluators |
CR12IntsAcc | R12IntsAcc accumulates transformed (MO) integrals stored as (ijxy) where i, j, x, and, y lie in spaces I, J, X, and Y, respectively |
CR12IntsAcc_MemoryGrp | |
►CR12IntsAcc_MPIIOFile | |
CPairBlkInfo | |
CR12IntsAcc_MPIIOFile_Ind | |
CR12IntsAcc_Node0File | |
CRadialAngularIntegrator | An implementation of an integrator using any combination of a RadialIntegrator and an AngularIntegrator |
CRadialIntegrator | An abstract base class for radial integrators |
CRangeLock | |
CRangeLockItem | |
CRDMAMemoryGrp | The RDMAMemoryGrp abstract class specializes the MsgMemoryGrp class |
CReadMolecularHessian | ReadMolecularHessian is an implementation of MolecularHessian that reads the hessian from a file |
CRedundantCartesianIter | RedundantCartesianIter objects loop through all possible combinations of a given number of axes |
CRedundantCartesianIterCCA | |
CRedundantCartesianIterCints | |
CRedundantCartesianIterV3 | |
CRedundantCartesianSubIter | Like RedundantCartesianIter, except a, b, and c are fixed to a given value |
CRedundantCartesianSubIterCCA | |
CRedundantCartesianSubIterCints | |
CRedundantCartesianSubIterV3 | |
CRedundMolecularCoor | Redundant set of simple internal coordinates |
CReentrantUncappedTorusHoleShape | |
CRef | A template class that maintains references counts |
CRefBase | Provides a few utility routines common to all Ref template instantiations |
CRefCount | The base class for all reference counted objects |
CRefDiagSCMatrix | Smart pointer to an DiagSCMatrix specialization |
CRefSCDimension | Smart pointer to an SCDimension specialization |
CRefSCMatrix | Smart pointer to an SCMatrix specialization |
CRefSCVector | Smart pointer to an SCVector specialization |
CRefSymmSCMatrix | Smart pointer to an SCSymmSCMatrix specialization |
CRegionTimer | Used to record the time spent in a section of code |
CRender | |
CRenderedBallMolecule | |
CRenderedMolecularSurface | |
CRenderedMolecule | |
CRenderedObject | |
CRenderedObjectSet | |
CRenderedPolygons | |
CRenderedPolylines | |
CRenderedSphere | |
CRenderedStickMolecule | |
CReplDiagSCMatrix | |
CReplSCMatrix | |
CReplSCMatrixKit | The ReplSCMatrixKit produces matrices that work in a many processor environment |
CReplSCMatrixListSubblockIter | |
CReplSCVector | |
CReplSymmSCMatrix | |
CResult | Result are members of Compute specializations that keep track of whether or not a particular result should be computed or if it has already been computed |
CResultInfo | This is a base class for all of Compute's result types |
CSavableState | Base class for objects that can save/restore state |
CSavableStateProxy | Create a proxy for a SavableState object |
CScaledTorsSimpleCo | Describes an scaled torsion internal coordinate of a molecule |
CSCBlockInfo | SCBlockInfo contains blocking information for the SCDimension class |
CSCDestructiveElementProduct | |
CSCDimension | Used to determine the size and blocking of matrices |
CSCElementAccumulateDiagSCMatrix | |
CSCElementAccumulateSCMatrix | |
CSCElementAccumulateSCVector | |
CSCElementAccumulateSymmSCMatrix | |
CSCElementAssign | |
CSCElementDot | |
CSCElementInvert | |
CSCElementKNorm | Computed k-norm of matrix |
CSCElementMaxAbs | |
CSCElementMinAbs | |
CSCElementOp | Objects of class SCElementOp are used to perform operations on the elements of matrices |
CSCElementOp2 | Very similar to the SCElementOp class except that pairs of blocks are treated simultaneously |
CSCElementOp3 | Very similar to the SCElementOp class except that a triplet of blocks is treated simultaneously |
CSCElementRandomize | |
CSCElementScalarProduct | |
CSCElementScale | |
CSCElementScaleDiagonal | |
CSCElementShiftDiagonal | |
CSCElementSquareRoot | |
CSCElementSumAbs | |
CSCException | This is a std::exception specialization that records information about where an exception took place |
CSCExtrapData | SCExtrapData hold the data to be extrapolated needed by SelfConsistentExtrapolation |
CSCExtrapError | SCExtrapError holds the error data needed by SelfConsistentExtrapolation |
CSCF | Base for all classes that use a self-consistent field procedure to solve an effective one body problem |
CSCFEnergy | |
CSCFormIO | This utility class is used to print only on node 0 and to provide attractive indentation of output |
CSCMatrix | Abstract base class for general double valued n by m matrices |
CSCMatrix3 | |
CSCMatrixBlock | SCMatrixBlock is the base clase for all types of blocks that comprise matrices and vectors |
CSCMatrixBlockIter | Used to described iterates that loop through the elements in a block |
CSCMatrixBlockList | |
CSCMatrixBlockListIter | |
CSCMatrixBlockListLink | |
CSCMatrixCompositeSubblockIter | |
CSCMatrixDiagBlock | The SCMatrixDiagBlock describes a diagonal piece of a matrix |
CSCMatrixDiagBlockIter | |
CSCMatrixDiagSubBlock | The SCMatrixDiagSubBlock describes a diagonal subblock of a matrix |
CSCMatrixDiagSubBlockIter | |
CSCMatrixdouble | |
CSCMatrixJointSubblockIter | |
CSCMatrixKit | The SCMatrixKit abstract class acts as a factory for producing matrices |
CSCMatrixListSubblockIter | |
CSCMatrixLTriBlock | The SCMatrixLTriBlock describes a triangular piece of a matrix |
CSCMatrixLTriBlockIter | |
CSCMatrixLTriSubBlock | The SCMatrixLTriSubBlock describes a triangular subblock of a matrix |
CSCMatrixLTriSubBlockIter | |
CSCMatrixNullSubblockIter | |
CSCMatrixRectBlock | The SCMatrixRectBlock describes a rectangular piece of a matrix |
CSCMatrixRectBlockIter | |
CSCMatrixRectSubBlock | The SCMatrixRectSubBlock describes a rectangular piece of a matrix |
CSCMatrixRectSubBlockIter | |
CSCMatrixSimpleSubblockIter | |
CSCMatrixSubblockIter | Objects of class SCMatrixSubblockIter are used to iterate through the blocks of a matrix |
Cscprintf | This class allows printf like output to put sent to an ostream |
CSCVector | Abstract base class for double valued vectors |
CSCVector3 | |
CSCVectordouble | |
CSCVectorSimpleBlock | The SCVectorSimpleBlock describes a piece of a vector |
CSCVectorSimpleBlockIter | |
CSCVectorSimpleSubBlock | The SCVectorSimpleSubBlock describes a subblock of a vector |
CSCVectorSimpleSubBlockIter | |
CSelfConsistentExtrapolation | The SelfConsistentExtrapolation abstract class is used to iteratively solve equations requiring a self consistent solution, such as, |
CSetIntCoor | Describes a set of internal coordinates |
CShape | A Shape is a Volume represents an 3D solid |
CShellExtent | |
CShellPairCints | ShellPairCints provides all primitive pair data for a given shell pair |
CShellPairIter | |
CShellPairsCints | ShellPairsCints contains primitive pair data for all shell pairs |
CShellQuartetIter | |
CShellRotation | Compute the transformation matrices that maps a set of Cartesian functions to another set of Cartesian functions in a rotated coordinate system |
CShmMemoryGrp | The ShmMemoryGrp concrete class provides an implementation of MsgMemoryGrp |
CShmMessageGrp | Implementation of MessageGrp that allows multiple process to be started that communicate with shared memory |
CSimpleCo | The SimpleCo abstract class describes a simple internal coordinate of a molecule |
CSlaterXFunctional | Implements the Slater exchange functional |
CSO | |
CSO_block | |
CSOBasis | A SOBasis object describes the transformation from an atomic orbital basis to a symmetry orbital basis |
CSOTransform | SOTransform maintains a list of AO shells that are be used to compute the SO |
CSOTransformFunction | SOTransformShell describes how an AO function contributes to an SO function in a particular SO shell |
CSOTransformShell | SOTransformShell maintains a list of AO functions contribute to an SO function in a particular SO shell |
CSpatialMOPairIter | SpatialMOPairIter gives the ordering of pairs of spatial orbitals |
CSpatialMOPairIter_eq | SpatialMOPairIter_eq gives the ordering of same-spin and different-spin orbital pairs if both orbitals of the pairs are from the same space |
CSpatialMOPairIter_neq | SpatialMOPairIter_neq gives the ordering of pairs of spatial orbitals from different spaces |
CSphereShape | |
CSphericalTransform | This is a base class for a container for a sparse Cartesian to solid harmonic basis function transformation |
CSphericalTransformCCA | |
CSphericalTransformCints | |
CSphericalTransformComponent | This is a base class for a container for a component of a sparse Cartesian to solid harmonic basis function transformation |
CSphericalTransformComponentCCA | |
CSphericalTransformComponentCints | |
CSphericalTransformComponentV3 | |
CSphericalTransformIter | This iterates through the components of a SphericalTransform |
CSphericalTransformV3 | |
CSSAccResult | This associates a result datum with an accuracy |
CStack | |
CStateClassData | |
CStateIn | Restores objects that derive from SavableState |
CStateInBin | Read objects written with StateOutBin |
CStateInData | |
CStateInFile | Reads state information from a file |
CStateInText | Reads state information written with StateOutText |
CStateOut | Serializes objects that derive from SavableState |
CStateOutBin | Save state to a binary file |
CStateOutData | |
CStateOutFile | Writes state information to files |
CStateOutText | Writes out state information in an almost human readable format |
CStateRecv | StateRecv is a concrete specialization of MsgStateRecv that does the receive part of point to point communication in a MessageGrp |
CStateSend | StateSend is a concrete specialization of MsgStateSend that does the send part of point to point communication in a MessageGrp |
CStdDenFunctional | Used to construct the standard density functionals |
CSteepestDescentOpt | |
CStreSimpleCo | Describes an stretch internal coordinate of a molecule |
CStringKeyVal | StringKeyVal is a base class for KeyVal implementations that store all values in a string format |
CSumAccumH | |
CSumDenFunctional | The SumDenFunctional computes energies and densities using the a sum of energy density functions method |
CSumIntCoor | SumIntCoor is used to construct linear combinations of internal coordinates |
CSumMolecularEnergy | |
CSymmetryOperation | 3 by 3 matrix representation of a symmetry operation, such as a rotation or reflection |
CSymmMolecularCoor | Derives from IntMolecularCoor |
CSymmOneBodyIntIter | |
CSymmSCMatrix | Abstract base class for symmetric double valued matrices |
CSymmSCMatrix2SCExtrapData | |
CSymmSCMatrix4SCExtrapData | |
CSymmSCMatrixdouble | |
CSymmSCMatrixNSCExtrapData | |
CSymmSCMatrixSCExtrapData | |
CSymmSCMatrixSCExtrapError | |
CSymmTwoBodyIntIter | |
CSymRep | N dimensional matrix representation of a symmetry operation, such as a rotation or reflection |
CSyscallFailed | This is thrown when an system call fails with an errno |
CSystemException | This is thrown when a system problem occurs |
CTaylorMolecularEnergy | |
CTBGrad | |
CTestEffH | |
CThread | The Thread abstract class defines an interface which must be implemented by classes wishing to be run as threads |
CThreadGrp | The ThreadGrp abstract class provides a means to manage separate threads of control |
CThreadLock | The ThreadLock abstract class provides mutex locks to be used in conjunction with ThreadGrp's |
CThreadLockHolder | Acquire a lock on creation and release it on destruction |
CTimedRegion | |
CTimer | Uses RegionTimer to time intervals in an exception safe manner |
CToleranceExceeded | This is thrown when when some tolerance is exceeded |
CTorsSimpleCo | Describes an torsion internal coordinate of a molecule |
CTransform | |
CTranslateData | Generic data translation |
CTranslateDataByteSwap | Data translation to an external representation with bytes swapped |
CTranslateDataIn | Convert data from other formats |
CTranslateDataOut | Convert data to other formats |
CTriangle | |
CTriangleIntegrator | |
CTriangulatedImplicitSurface | |
CTriangulatedSurface | |
CTriangulatedSurfaceIntegrator | |
CTriInterpCoef | |
CTriInterpCoefKey | |
CTwoBodyDerivInt | This is an abstract base type for classes that compute integrals involving two electrons |
CTwoBodyDerivIntCCA | This implements two body derivative integrals through the CCA interface |
CTwoBodyDerivIntCints | This implements electron repulsion derivative integrals in the IntV3 library |
CTwoBodyDerivIntV3 | This implements electron repulsion derivative integrals in the IntV3 library |
CTwoBodyGrid | Class TwoBodyGrid describes a set of coordinates of 2 particles |
CTwoBodyInt | This is an abstract base type for classes that compute integrals involving two electrons |
CTwoBodyIntCCA | This implements two body integrals through the CCA interface |
CTwoBodyIntCints | This implements electron repulsion integrals in the IntCints library |
CTwoBodyIntIter | |
CTwoBodyIntV3 | This implements electron repulsion integrals in the IntV3 library |
►CTwoBodyMOIntsTransform | TwoBodyMOIntsTransform computes two-body integrals in MO basis using parallel integrals-direct AO->MO transformation |
CMOSpaces | Predefined enumerated type for the MO spaces |
CTwoBodyMOIntsTransform_123Inds | |
CTwoBodyMOIntsTransform_12Inds | |
CTwoBodyMOIntsTransform_13Inds | |
CTwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ijxy | TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ijxy computes (ij|xy) integrals using parallel integrals-direct AO->MO transformation |
CTwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ikjy | TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ikjy computes (ik|jy) integrals using parallel integrals-direct AO->MO transformation |
CTwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ixjy | TwoBodyMOIntsTransform_ixjy computes (ix|jy) integrals using parallel integrals-direct AO->MO transformation |
CTwoBodySOInt | |
CTwoBodyThreeCenterDerivInt | This is an abstract base type for classes that compute three centers integrals involving two electrons |
CTwoBodyThreeCenterInt | This is an abstract base type for classes that compute integrals involving two electrons in three Gaussian functions |
CTwoBodyThreeCenterIntV3 | This implements electron repulsion integrals involving three centers in the IntV3 library |
CTwoBodyTwoCenterDerivInt | This is an abstract base type for classes that compute two centers integrals involving two electrons |
CTwoBodyTwoCenterInt | This is an abstract base type for classes that compute integrals involving two electrons in two Gaussian functions |
CTwoBodyTwoCenterIntV3 | This implements electron repulsion integrals involving two centers in the IntV3 library |
Ctype_info_key | |
CUHF | This provides an unrestricted Hartree-Fock implementation |
CUKS | This provides a Kohn-Sham implementation for unrestricted-orbital open-shell systems |
CUncapped5SphereExclusionShape | |
CUncappedTorusHoleShape | |
CUnionShape | A UnionShape is volume enclosed by a set of Shape's |
CUnits | Used to perform unit converions |
CUnrestrictedSCF | A base class for unrestricted self-consistent-field methods |
CUsedData | |
CVDWShape | Describes the surface of a molecule as the union of atom centered spheres, each the van der Waals radius of the atom |
Cvec2 | |
Cvec3 | |
Cvec4 | |
CVertex | |
CVolume | A Volume is a Function of three variables |
CVWN1LCFunctional | The VWN1LCFunctional computes energies and densities using the VWN1 local correlation term (from Vosko, Wilk, and Nusair) |
CVWN2LCFunctional | The VWN2LCFunctional computes energies and densities using the VWN2 local correlation term (from Vosko, Wilk, and Nusair) |
CVWN3LCFunctional | The VWN3LCFunctional computes energies and densities using the VWN3 local correlation term (from Vosko, Wilk, and Nusair) |
CVWN4LCFunctional | The VWN4LCFunctional computes energies and densities using the VWN4 local correlation term (from Vosko, Wilk, and Nusair) |
CVWN5LCFunctional | The VWN5LCFunctional computes energies and densities using the VWN5 local correlation term (from Vosko, Wilk, and Nusair) |
CVWNLCFunctional | An abstract base class from which the various VWN (Vosko, Wilk and Nusair) local correlation functional (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) classes are derived |
CWavefunction | A Wavefunction is a MolecularEnergy that utilizies a GaussianBasisSet |
CX | |
CXalphaFunctional | Implements the Xalpha exchange functional |
CY | |
Cerrno_exception | |
CLocalHSOSContribution | |
CLocalHSOSEnergyContribution | |
CLocalHSOSGradContribution | |
Cpoint | |
CTaylor_Fjt_Eval | |
CTCPClientConnection | |
CTCPIOSocket | |
CTCPServerConnection | |
CTCPServerSocket | |
CTCPSocket | |
Cvertex | |
Cvertices | |