Using TiledArray in Python

TiledArray provides (optionally-built) bindings to Python which provide the distributed-memory tensor algebra, including TA-like (native math DSL) and einsum-like interfaces. Efficient intra-node parallel execution is automatically supported for most operations. This tutorial discusses how to build and use the Python bindings.

Building TA-Python bindings

To build the bindings set the TA_PYTHON CMake cache variable by providing -DTA_PYTHON=ON to CMake as a command-line argument. Note that all TiledArray and MADNESS runtime libraries must be compiled as position independent (this is true by default; set CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE CMake variable to ON to guarantee this).

Using TA Python bindings

work in progress ... for now, see this test example . To execute this script with multiple MPI ranks do mpirun -n X python3