MPQC  3.0.0-alpha
sc::Molecule Class Reference

The Molecule class contains information about molecules. More...

#include <chemistry/molecule/molecule.h>

Inheritance diagram for sc::Molecule:
sc::SavableState sc::DescribedClass sc::RefCount sc::MolecularFragment

Public Member Functions

 Molecule (const Molecule &)
 Molecule (StateIn &)
 Molecule (const Ref< KeyVal > &input)
 The Molecule KeyVal constructor is used to generate a Molecule object from the input. More...
Moleculeoperator= (const Molecule &)
void add_atom (int Z, double x, double y, double z, const std::string &label="", double mass=0.0, int have_charge=0, double charge=0.0, int have_fragment=0, int fragment=0)
 Add an AtomicCenter to the Molecule.
const Atomatom (size_t i) const
const std::vector< Atom > & atoms () const
virtual void print (std::ostream &=ExEnv::out0()) const
 Print information about the molecule.
virtual void print_parsedkeyval (std::ostream &=ExEnv::out0(), int print_pg=1, int print_unit=1, int number_atoms=1) const
Ref< Unitsgeometry_units () const
 in which units Molecule was specified and in which units it will be reported
size_t natom () const
 Returns the number of atoms in the molecule.
int Z (int atom) const
double & r (int atom, int xyz)
const double & r (int atom, int xyz) const
const double * r (int atom) const
double mass (int atom) const
const char * label (int atom) const
 Returns the label explicitly assigned to atom. More...
int fragment (int atom) const
 returns the fragment to which atom belongs to
int atom_at_position (double *, double tol=0.05) const
 Takes an (x, y, z) postion and finds an atom within the given tolerance distance. More...
int atom_label_to_index (const std::string &label) const
 Returns the index of the atom with the given label. More...
std::vector< double > charges () const
 Returns a vector of the nuclear charges of the atoms.
double charge (int iatom) const
 Return the charge of the atom.
bool is_Q (int iatom) const
 Return true if iatom is a simple point charge.
double total_charge () const
 Returns the total nuclear charge. More...
int total_Z () const
 Returns the sum of atomic numbers of nuclei.
void set_point_group (const Ref< PointGroup > &, double tol=1.0e-7)
 Sets the PointGroup of the molecule.
const Ref< PointGroup > & point_group () const
 Returns the PointGroup of the molecule.
Ref< PointGrouphighest_point_group (double tol=1.0e-8) const
 Find this molecules true point group (limited to abelian groups). More...
int is_axis (SCVector3 &origin, SCVector3 &udirection, int order, double tol=1.0e-8) const
 Return 1 if this given axis is a symmetry element for the molecule. More...
int is_plane (SCVector3 &origin, SCVector3 &uperp, double tol=1.0e-8) const
 Return 1 if the given plane is a symmetry element for the molecule. More...
int has_inversion (SCVector3 &origin, double tol=1.0e-8) const
 Return 1 if the molecule has an inversion center.
int is_linear (double tolerance=1.0e-5) const
 Returns 1 if the molecule is linear, 0 otherwise.
int is_planar (double tolerance=1.0e-5) const
 Returns 1 if the molecule is planar, 0 otherwise.
void is_linear_planar (int &linear, int &planar, double tol=1.0e-5) const
 Sets linear to 1 if the molecular is linear, 0 otherwise. More...
SCVector3 center_of_mass () const
 Returns a SCVector3 containing the cartesian coordinates of the center of mass for the molecule.
double nuclear_repulsion_energy ()
 Returns the nuclear repulsion energy for the molecule.
void nuclear_repulsion_1der (int center, double xyz[3])
 Compute the nuclear repulsion energy first derivative with respect to the given center.
void nuclear_efield (const double *position, double *efield)
 Compute the electric field due to the nuclei at the given point.
void nuclear_charge_efield (const double *charges, const double *position, double *efield)
 Compute the electric field due to the given charges at the positions of the nuclei at the given point.
void symmetrize (double tol=0.5)
 If the molecule contains only symmetry unique atoms, this function will generate the other, redundant atoms. More...
void symmetrize (const Ref< PointGroup > &pg, double tol=0.5)
 Set the point group and then symmetrize.
void cleanup_molecule (double tol=0.1)
 This will try to carefully correct symmetry errors in molecules. More...
void translate (const double *r)
void move_to_com ()
void transform_to_principal_axes (int trans_frame=1)
void transform_to_symmetry_frame ()
void print_xyz (std::ostream &=ExEnv::out0(), const char *title=0) const
void principal_moments_of_inertia (double *evals, double **evecs=0) const
 Compute the principal moments of inertia and, possibly, the principal axes.
int nunique () const
 Return information about symmetry unique and equivalent atoms. More...
int unique (int iuniq) const
 Returns the overall number of the iuniq'th unique atom.
int nequivalent (int iuniq) const
 Returns the number of atoms equivalent to iuniq.
int equivalent (int iuniq, int j) const
 Returns the j'th atom equivalent to iuniq.
int atom_to_unique (int iatom) const
 Converts an atom number to the number of its generating unique atom. More...
int atom_to_unique_offset (int iatom) const
 Converts an atom number to the offset of this atom in the list of generated atoms. More...
int n_core_electrons ()
 Return the number of core electrons.
int max_z ()
 Return the maximum atomic number.
Ref< AtomInfoatominfo () const
 Return the molecule's AtomInfo object.
std::string atom_name (int iatom) const
 Returns the element name of the atom.
std::string atom_symbol (int iatom) const
 Returns the element symbol of the atom.
void set_include_q (bool iq)
 If include_q is true, then include the "Q" atoms in the charge and efield routines.
bool include_q () const
 Returns include_q. See set_include_q.
void set_include_qq (bool iqq)
 If include_qq is true, include the coupling between pairs of "Q" atoms when computing nuclear repulsion energy and gradients.
bool include_qq () const
 Returns include_qq. See set_include_qq.
int n_q_atom () const
 Retrieve the number of "Q" atoms.
int q_atom (int i) const
 Retrieve the "Q" atoms.
int n_non_q_atom () const
 Retrieve the number of non-"Q" atoms.
int non_q_atom (int i) const
 Retrieve the of non-"Q" atoms.
bool any_atom_has_charge () const
 Determine if any of the atoms have non-standard charge.
bool any_atom_has_fragment () const
 Determine if any of the atoms have a fragment label.
bool any_atom_has_label () const
 Determine if any of the atoms have a user defined label.
SCVector3 ref_origin () const
 returns the origin of the reference coordinate system (the system in which atoms were specified before the center-of-mass shift
void save_data_state (StateOut &)
 Save the base classes (with save_data_state) and the members in the same order that the StateIn CTOR initializes them. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from sc::SavableState
SavableStateoperator= (const SavableState &)
void save_state (StateOut &)
 Save the state of the object as specified by the StateOut object. More...
void save_object_state (StateOut &)
 This can be used for saving state when the exact type of the object is known for both the save and the restore. More...
virtual void save_vbase_state (StateOut &)
 Save the virtual bases for the object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from sc::DescribedClass
 DescribedClass (const DescribedClass &)
DescribedClassoperator= (const DescribedClass &)
ClassDescclass_desc () const MPQC__NOEXCEPT
 This returns the unique pointer to the ClassDesc corresponding to the given type_info object. More...
const char * class_name () const
 Return the name of the object's exact type.
int class_version () const
 Return the version of the class.
Ref< DescribedClassref ()
 Return this object wrapped up in a Ref smart pointer. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from sc::RefCount
size_t identifier () const
 Return the unique identifier for this object that can be compared for different objects of different types. More...
int lock_ptr () const
 Lock this object.
int unlock_ptr () const
 Unlock this object.
void use_locks (bool inVal)
 start and stop using locks on this object
refcount_t nreference () const
 Return the reference count.
refcount_t reference ()
 Increment the reference count and return the new count.
refcount_t dereference ()
 Decrement the reference count and return the new count.
int managed () const
void unmanage ()
 Turn off the reference counting mechanism for this object. More...

Protected Member Functions

void init_symmetry_info (double tol=0.5)
void clear_symmetry_info ()
void clear ()
void throw_if_atom_duplicated (int begin=0, double tol=1e-3)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sc::SavableState
 SavableState (const SavableState &)
 SavableState (StateIn &)
 Each derived class StateIn CTOR handles the restore corresponding to calling save_object_state, save_vbase_state, and save_data_state listed above. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sc::RefCount
 RefCount (const RefCount &)
RefCountoperator= (const RefCount &)

Protected Attributes

std::vector< Atomatoms_
Ref< AtomInfoatominfo_
Ref< PointGrouppg_
Ref< Unitsgeometry_units_
double ref_origin_ [3]
int nuniq_
int * nequiv_
int ** equiv_
int * atom_to_uniq_
int q_Z_
bool include_q_
bool include_qq_
std::vector< int > q_atoms_
std::vector< int > non_q_atoms_

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from sc::SavableState
static void save_state (SavableState *s, StateOut &)
static SavableStaterestore_state (StateIn &si)
 Restores objects saved with save_state. More...
static SavableStatekey_restore_state (StateIn &si, const char *keyword)
 Like restore_state, but keyword is used to override values while restoring.
static SavableStatedir_restore_state (StateIn &si, const char *objectname, const char *keyword=0)

Detailed Description

The Molecule class contains information about molecules.

It has a KeyVal constructor that can create a new molecule from atomic coordinates read from a file in one of supported chemical file formats (e.g. XYZ), or from a set of keywords that give explicitly the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms.

If your version of MPQC was compiled with OpenBabel2 support, then input file can be any chemical file format understood by OpenBabel2. The following ParsedKeyVal input reads from a file in Chemical Markup Language (CML) format h2o.cml, to be interpreted by OpenBabel2:

molecule<Molecule>: (
   file = "h2o.cml"

Without OpenBabel2, only XYZ format is supported. The following ParsedKeyVal input reads from the XYZ file

molecule<Molecule>: (
   xyz_file = ""

The most flexible method to specify atomic coordinates explicitly. The following input does that by using the ParsedKeyVal table notation:

molecule<Molecule>: (
    { atom_labels atoms           geometry            } = {
          O1         O   [ 0.000000000 0  0.369372944 ]
          H1         H   [ 0.783975899 0 -0.184686472 ]
          H2         H   [-0.783975899 0 -0.184686472 ]

The default units are Bohr which can be overridden with unit=angstrom. The atom_labels array can be omitted. The atoms and geometry arrays are required.

As a special case, an atom can be given with the symbol Q or the name charge. Such centers are treated as point charges and not given basis functions. The values of the charges must be specified with a charge vector in the Molecule input. Since the charge vector assign charges to all centers, including atoms, it is easiest to place all point charge centers first in the geometry, and then give a charge vector with a number of elements equal to the number of point charges. The following example shows a water molecule interacting with a point charge having value 0.1:

molecule<Molecule>: (
    charge = [ 0.1 ]
    { atom_labels atoms           geometry            } = {
          Q1         Q   [ 0.0         0 10.0         ]
          O1         O   [ 0.000000000 0  0.369372944 ]
          H1         H   [ 0.783975899 0 -0.184686472 ]
          H2         H   [-0.783975899 0 -0.184686472 ]

This feature is designed for doing QM/MM calculations, so, by default, methods will not include interactions between the Q centers when computing the energy or the gradient. To include these interactions, set include_qq=1.

The Molecule class has a PointGroup member object, which also has a KeyVal constructor that is called when a Molecule is made. The following example constructs a molecule with $C_{2v}$ symmetry:

molecule<Molecule>: (
    { atoms         geometry            } = {
        O   [0.000000000 0  0.369372944 ]
        H   [0.783975899 0 -0.184686472 ]

Only the symmetry unique atoms need to be specified. Nonunique atoms can be given too, however, numerical errors in the geometry specification can result in the generation of extra atoms so be careful.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Molecule()

sc::Molecule::Molecule ( const Ref< KeyVal > &  input)

The Molecule KeyVal constructor is used to generate a Molecule object from the input.

Several examples are given in the Molecule class overview. The full list of keywords that are accepted is below.




Some of the atoms can be specified as Q and given a customizable charge. Such atoms are a point charge that do not have basis functions. If this option is true, then the Q atoms are included when computing the nuclear charge and the electric field due to the nuclear charge.


Some of the atoms can be specified as Q and given a customizable charge. Such atoms are a point charge that do not have basis functions. If this option is true, then the Q atoms are included when computing the nuclear repulsion energy and its derivatives.

atominfoAtomInfolibrary values

This gives information about each atom, such as the symbol, name, and various atomic radii.


The Schoenflies symbol of the point group. This is case insensitive. It should be a subgroup of D2h. If it is auto, then the appropriate subgroup of D2h will be found.


When a molecule has symmetry, some atoms may be related by symmetry operations. The distance between given atoms and atoms generated by symmetry operations is compared to this threshold to determine if they are the same. If they are the same, then the coordinates are cleaned up to make them exactly symmetry equivalent. If the given molecule was produced by a optimization that started in C1 symmetry, but produced a roughly symmetric structure and you would like to begin using symmetry, then this may need to be increased a bit to properly symmetrize the molecule.

symmetry_framedouble[3][3][[1 0 0][0 1 0][0 0 1]]

The symmetry frame. Ignored for symmetry = auto.

origindouble[3][0 0 0]

The origin of the symmetry frame. Ignored for symmetry = auto.


If true, do not generate symmetry equivalent atoms; they are already given in the input. It should not be necessary to specify this option, since, by default, if a symmetry operation duplicates an atom, the generated atom will not be added to the list of atoms. Ignored for symmetry = auto.


This gives the name of a file in one of the formats understood by OpenBabel2, from which the nuclear coordinates will be read. If this is given, the following options will be ignored. Requires OpenBabel2.


This gives the name of a XYZ file, from which the nuclear coordinates will be read. If this is given, the following options will be ignored.


This gives the name of the units used for the geometry. See the Units class for information about the known units. This replaces deprecated keywords that are still recognized: angstrom and angstroms. This is ignored if any of the *file keywords is given.


This gives the Cartesian coordinates of the molecule. This is ignored if any of the *file keywords is given.


This gives the chemical element symbol for each atom. This is ignored if any of the *file keywords is given.


If true, the atom will be given zero charge. It will still have basis functions, however. This is used to estimate basis set superposition error. This is ignored if any of the *file keywords is given.

chargedouble[]Z for each atom

Allows specification of the charge for each atom. This is ignored if any of the *file keywords is given.


This gives a user defined atom label for each atom. This is ignored if any of the *file keywords is given.

massdouble[]Taken from AtomInfo given by the atominfo keyword.

This gives a user defined mass for each atom. This is ignored if any of the *file keywords is given.


Allows to specify fragments of Molecule. Fragment indices can be arbitrary integers and they do not be consecutive (i.e. one could specify only fragments 1 and 7). By default, all atoms belong to fragment 0. This feature is relevant only for some computations. This keyword is ignored any of the *file keywords is given.

Member Function Documentation

◆ atom_at_position()

int sc::Molecule::atom_at_position ( double *  ,
double  tol = 0.05 
) const

Takes an (x, y, z) postion and finds an atom within the given tolerance distance.

If no atom is found -1 is returned.

◆ atom_label_to_index()

int sc::Molecule::atom_label_to_index ( const std::string &  label) const

Returns the index of the atom with the given label.

If the label cannot be found -1 is returned.

◆ atom_to_unique()

int sc::Molecule::atom_to_unique ( int  iatom) const

Converts an atom number to the number of its generating unique atom.

The return value is in [0, nunique).

◆ atom_to_unique_offset()

int sc::Molecule::atom_to_unique_offset ( int  iatom) const

Converts an atom number to the offset of this atom in the list of generated atoms.

The unique atom itself is allows offset 0.

◆ cleanup_molecule()

void sc::Molecule::cleanup_molecule ( double  tol = 0.1)

This will try to carefully correct symmetry errors in molecules.

AlgorithmExceptionwill be thrown if any atom is out of place by more then tol

◆ highest_point_group()

Ref<PointGroup> sc::Molecule::highest_point_group ( double  tol = 1.0e-8) const

Find this molecules true point group (limited to abelian groups).

If the point group of this molecule is set to the highest point group, then the origin must first be set to the center of mass.

◆ is_axis()

int sc::Molecule::is_axis ( SCVector3 origin,
SCVector3 udirection,
int  order,
double  tol = 1.0e-8 
) const

Return 1 if this given axis is a symmetry element for the molecule.

The direction vector must be a unit vector.

◆ is_linear_planar()

void sc::Molecule::is_linear_planar ( int &  linear,
int &  planar,
double  tol = 1.0e-5 
) const

Sets linear to 1 if the molecular is linear, 0 otherwise.

Sets planar to 1 if the molecular is planar, 0 otherwise.

◆ is_plane()

int sc::Molecule::is_plane ( SCVector3 origin,
SCVector3 uperp,
double  tol = 1.0e-8 
) const

Return 1 if the given plane is a symmetry element for the molecule.

The perpendicular vector must be a unit vector.

◆ label()

const char* sc::Molecule::label ( int  atom) const

Returns the label explicitly assigned to atom.

If no label has been assigned, then null is returned.

◆ nunique()

int sc::Molecule::nunique ( ) const

Return information about symmetry unique and equivalent atoms.

Returns the number of symmetry-unique atoms

◆ save_data_state()

void sc::Molecule::save_data_state ( StateOut )

Save the base classes (with save_data_state) and the members in the same order that the StateIn CTOR initializes them.

This must be implemented by the derived class if the class has data.

Reimplemented from sc::SavableState.

◆ symmetrize()

void sc::Molecule::symmetrize ( double  tol = 0.5)

If the molecule contains only symmetry unique atoms, this function will generate the other, redundant atoms.

The redundant atom will only be generated if there is no other atoms within a distance of tol. If the is another atom and it is not identical, then abort will be called.

◆ total_charge()

double sc::Molecule::total_charge ( ) const

Returns the total nuclear charge.

If include_q is true, this includes classical charges.

Referenced by mpqc::TA::Wavefunction::total_charge().

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