Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
▼ doc | |
namespaces.h | |
▼ src | |
▼ bin | |
▼ mpqc | |
mpqcin.h | |
mpqcinit.h | |
▼ lib | |
▼ chemistry | |
► molecule | |
atom.h | |
atominfo.h | |
coor.h | |
deriv.h | |
energy.h | |
findisp.h | |
formula.h | |
frag.h | |
linkage.h | |
localdef.h | |
molden.h | |
molecule.h | |
molfreq.h | |
molrender.h | |
molshape.h | |
simple.h | |
taylor.h | |
► qc | |
► basis | |
basis.h | |
cart.h | |
cartit_cca.h | |
cartiter.h | |
dercent.h | |
distsh.h | |
distshpair.h | |
extent.h | |
files.h | |
fjt.h | |
gaussbas.h | |
gaussshell.h | |
gpetite.h | |
intdescr.h | |
integral.h | |
integralenginepool.hpp | |
intparams.h | |
inttraits.h | |
kcluster.hpp | |
linkage.h | |
lselect.h | |
macros_cca.h | |
nbint.h | |
obint.h | |
obintfactory.h | |
operator.h | |
orthog.h | |
petite.h | |
shellorder.hpp | |
shellrot.h | |
sobasis.h | |
sointegral.h | |
split.h | |
static.h | |
symmint.h | |
taskintegrals.hpp | |
tbint.h | |
tbint_batch.h | |
tiledbasisset.hpp | |
transform.h | |
uncontract.h | |
union.h | |
► ccr12 | |
ccr12.h | |
ccr12_info.h | |
ccr12_triples.h | |
ccsd.h | |
ccsd_2q_left.h | |
ccsd_2q_right.h | |
ccsd_2t_left.h | |
ccsd_2t_pr12_right.h | |
ccsd_2t_r12_left.h | |
ccsd_2t_right.h | |
ccsd_e.h | |
ccsd_pt.h | |
ccsd_pt_left.h | |
ccsd_pt_right.h | |
ccsd_r12.h | |
ccsd_r12_e.h | |
ccsd_r12_pt_right.h | |
ccsd_r12_t1.h | |
ccsd_r12_t2.h | |
ccsd_sub_bar_r12.h | |
ccsd_sub_full_r12.h | |
ccsd_sub_r12.h | |
ccsd_sub_r12_left.h | |
ccsd_sub_r12_right.h | |
ccsd_t1.h | |
ccsd_t2.h | |
ccsdpr12.h | |
ccsdpr12_c.h | |
ccsdpr12_t1.h | |
ccsdpr12_t2.h | |
ccsdt.h | |
ccsdt_t1.h | |
ccsdt_t2.h | |
ccsdt_t3.h | |
ccsdtq.h | |
ccsdtq_t2.h | |
ccsdtq_t3.h | |
ccsdtq_t4.h | |
lambda_ccsd_t1.h | |
lambda_ccsd_t2.h | |
lambda_ccsdpr12_t1.h | |
lambda_ccsdpr12_t2.h | |
linkage.h | |
mtensor.h | |
mtensor.timpl.h | |
parenthesis2q.h | |
parenthesis2t.h | |
parenthesis2tnum.h | |
ptnum.h | |
tensor.h | |
tensorextrap.h | |
► ci | |
ci.h | |
linkage.h | |
► dft | |
am05.h | |
clks.h | |
clkstmpl.h | |
functional.h | |
hsosks.h | |
hsoskstmpl.h | |
integrator.h | |
linkage.h | |
solvent.h | |
uks.h | |
ukstmpl.h | |
► etrain | |
etrain.h | |
linkage.h | |
► extern | |
moinfo.h | |
► intv3 | |
array.h | |
cartitv3.h | |
flags.h | |
int1e.h | |
int2e.h | |
intv3.h | |
macros.h | |
obintv3.h | |
storage.h | |
tbintv3.h | |
tformv3.h | |
types.h | |
utils.h | |
► lcao | |
clhfcontrib.h | |
df.h | |
df_runtime.h | |
fockbuild.h | |
fockbuild_runtime.h | |
fockbuilder.h | |
fockdist.h | |
hsoshfcontrib.h | |
linkage.h | |
moints_runtime.h | |
soad.h | |
tbint_runtime.h | |
transform.h | |
transform_123inds.h | |
transform_12inds.h | |
transform_13inds.h | |
transform_factory.h | |
transform_factory.timpl.h | |
transform_ijR.h | |
transform_ijxy.h | |
transform_ikjy.h | |
transform_iRjS.h | |
transform_ixjy.h | |
transform_ixjy_df.h | |
transform_tbint.h | |
utils.h | |
utils.impl.h | |
wfnworld.h | |
► libint2 | |
bounds.h | |
bounds.timpl.h | |
cartit_gamess.h | |
core_ints_engine.h | |
g12.h | |
g12_quartet_data.h | |
g12dkh.h | |
g12dkh_quartet_data.h | |
g12nc.h | |
g12nc_quartet_data.h | |
grt.h | |
grt_quartet_data.h | |
gto.h | |
int1e.h | |
int2e.h | |
libint2.h | |
libint2_utils.h | |
linkage.h | |
macros.h | |
macros_gamess.h | |
obintlibint2.h | |
obosrr.timpl.h | |
primpairs.h | |
shellpairs.h | |
static.h | |
tbintlibint2.h | |
tbosar.h | |
tform.h | |
tform.timpl.h | |
► lmp2 | |
analyze_array.h | |
arraydef.h | |
avlmmap.h | |
blockinfodef.h | |
collective.h | |
contract.h | |
contractpartdef.h | |
dgemminfo.h | |
domain.h | |
extrap.h | |
lcorr.h | |
linkage.h | |
lmp2.h | |
parallel.h | |
pop_local.h | |
sma.h | |
util.h | |
► mbpt | |
bzerofast.h | |
csgrad34qb.h | |
csgrade12.h | |
csgrads2pdm.h | |
hsosv1e1.h | |
linkage.h | |
mbpt.h | |
mp2extrap.h | |
util.h | |
► mbptr12 | |
compute_tbint_tensor.h | |
container.h | |
contract_tbint_tensor.h | |
contract_tbint_tensors_to_obtensor.h | |
creator.h | |
debug.h | |
extern_pt2r12.h | |
fixedcoefficient.h | |
linkage.h | |
mbptr12.h | |
molcas_pt2r12.h | |
mp2r12_energy.h | |
mp2r12_energy_util.h | |
print_scmat_norms.h | |
pt2r12.h | |
pt2r12_utils.h | |
r12_amps.h | |
r12int_eval.h | |
r12technology.h | |
r12wfnworld.h | |
singles_casscf.h | |
sr_r12intermediates.h | |
sr_r12intermediates_util.h | |
sr_r12intermediates_VXB_diag.h | |
twobodygrid.h | |
twobodytensorinfo.h | |
twoparticlecontraction.h | |
► nbody | |
linkage.h | |
nbwfn.h | |
ref.h | |
string.h | |
► oint3 | |
build.h | |
► psi | |
linkage.h | |
psicc.h | |
psicc_pt2r12.h | |
psici.h | |
psiexenv.h | |
psifile11.h | |
psiinput.h | |
psiinput.timpl.h | |
psiqtorder.h | |
psirdm.h | |
psiref.h | |
psiwfn.h | |
► scf | |
► cadf | |
approx_pairs.h | |
assignments.h | |
cadf_attic.h | |
cadf_iters_impl.h | |
cadfclhf.h | |
coefs_impl.h | |
get_ints_impl.h | |
iters.h | |
iters_fwd.h | |
macros.h | |
ordered_shells.h | |
treemat.h | |
treemat_fwd.h | |
cldfgengine.hpp | |
clhf.h | |
clhftmpl.h | |
clscf.h | |
effh.h | |
fbclhf.h | |
gbuild.h | |
gengine_base.hpp | |
hsoshf.h | |
hsoshftmpl.h | |
hsosscf.h | |
iter_logger.h | |
lbgbuild.h | |
lgbuild.h | |
linkage.h | |
ltbgrad.h | |
osshf.h | |
osshftmpl.h | |
ossscf.h | |
scf.h | |
scflocal.h | |
scfops.h | |
taclhf.hpp | |
taclscf.hpp | |
tascf.hpp | |
tbgrad.h | |
tchf.h | |
tchftmpl.h | |
tcscf.h | |
uhf.h | |
uhftmpl.h | |
uscf.h | |
► wfn | |
accum.h | |
density.h | |
eht.h | |
esp.h | |
femo.h | |
linkage.h | |
obwfn.h | |
orbital.h | |
orbitalspace.h | |
orbitalspace.timpl.h | |
orbitalspace_utils.h | |
orbitalspace_utils.timpl.h | |
rdm.h | |
spin.h | |
tawfn.hpp | |
wfn.h | |
► solvent | |
bem.h | |
▼ extern | |
► moinfo | |
molden_moinfo.h | |
► python | |
util.h | |
► qc | |
qc_fnc.h | |
▼ math | |
► distarray4 | |
distarray4.h | |
distarray4_memgrp.h | |
distarray4_mpiiofile.h | |
distarray4_node0file.h | |
linkage.h | |
► elemental | |
eigensolver.hpp | |
► isosurf | |
edge.h | |
implicit.h | |
isosurf.h | |
shape.h | |
surf.h | |
triangle.h | |
tricoef.h | |
vertex.h | |
volume.h | |
volume_i.h | |
► mmisc | |
grid.h | |
pairiter.h | |
pairiter.impl.h | |
► optimize | |
► levmar | |
lm.h | |
misc.h | |
conjgrad.h | |
conv.h | |
diis.h | |
efc.h | |
function.h | |
gaussianfit.h | |
gaussianfit.timpl.h | |
gdiis.h | |
linkage.h | |
mcsearch.h | |
newton.h | |
opt.h | |
qnewton.h | |
scextrap.h | |
scextrapmat.h | |
steep.h | |
transform.h | |
update.h | |
► scmat | |
abstract.h | |
blas.h | |
blkiter.h | |
block.h | |
blocked.h | |
cmatrix.h | |
dim.h | |
dist.h | |
disthql.h | |
elemop.h | |
lapack.h | |
linkage.h | |
local.h | |
matrix.h | |
matrix3.h | |
matrix_i.h | |
mops.h | |
offset.h | |
predicate.h | |
repl.h | |
result.h | |
svd.h | |
util.h | |
vector3.h | |
vector3_i.h | |
► symmetry | |
corrtab.h | |
pointgrp.h | |
▼ mpqc | |
► array | |
core.hpp | |
file.hpp | |
forward.hpp | |
functions.hpp | |
parallel.hpp | |
socket.hpp | |
thread.hpp | |
tile.hpp | |
► ci | |
ci.hpp | |
collapse.hpp | |
direct.hpp | |
full.hpp | |
hamiltonian.hpp | |
integrals.hpp | |
preconditioner.hpp | |
restricted.hpp | |
sigma.hpp | |
sigma2.hpp | |
sigma3.hpp | |
string.hpp | |
subspace.hpp | |
vector.hpp | |
► integrals | |
integrals.hpp | |
shell.hpp | |
► interfaces | |
► tiledarray | |
► tests | |
common.hpp | |
curvy_steps.hpp | |
dmm_scf.hpp | |
orthog_curvy_steps.hpp | |
purification.hpp | |
tiledarray_fock.hpp | |
symmscmat.hpp | |
► math | |
► tensor | |
base.hpp | |
cast.hpp | |
exception.hpp | |
expression.hpp | |
forward.hpp | |
functional.hpp | |
order.hpp | |
permute.hpp | |
ref.hpp | |
blas.hpp | |
math.hpp | |
matrix.hpp | |
tensor.hpp | |
► mpi | |
base.hpp | |
comm.hpp | |
task.hpp | |
► range | |
block.hpp | |
operator.hpp | |
tie.hpp | |
► utility | |
check.hpp | |
debug.hpp | |
exception.hpp | |
mutex.hpp | |
profile.hpp | |
string.hpp | |
timer.hpp | |
array.hpp | |
file.hpp | |
mpi.hpp | |
omp.hpp | |
python.hpp | |
range.hpp | |
▼ util | |
► class | |
class.h | |
proxy.h | |
► container | |
avlmap.h | |
avlset.h | |
bitarray.h | |
carray.h | |
compare.h | |
conc_cache.h | |
conc_cache_fwd.h | |
eavlmmap.h | |
stdarray.h | |
stdarray_bits.h | |
thread_wrap.h | |
► group | |
actmsg.h | |
file.h | |
fileproc.h | |
globcnt.h | |
hcube.h | |
linkage.h | |
memamsg.h | |
memarmci.h | |
memiter.h | |
memmsg.h | |
memmtmpi.h | |
memory.h | |
memproc.h | |
memrdma.h | |
memregion.h | |
memshm.h | |
message.h | |
messaget.h | |
messmpi.h | |
mstate.h | |
pool.h | |
pregtime.h | |
rnglock.h | |
thpthd.h | |
thpuma.h | |
thread.h | |
topology.h | |
► keyval | |
ipv2.h | |
ipv2_scan.h | |
keyval.h | |
keyvalval.h | |
► madness | |
init.h | |
world.h | |
► misc | |
assert.h | |
autovec.h | |
bug.h | |
comptmpl.h | |
compute.h | |
consumableresources.h | |
exception.h | |
exenv.h | |
formio.h | |
hash.h | |
ieee.h | |
iterators.h | |
math.h | |
meta.h | |
newstring.h | |
print.h | |
property.h | |
registry.h | |
registry.timpl.h | |
regtime.h | |
runnable.h | |
scexception.h | |
scint.h | |
sharedptr.h | |
string.h | |
thread_timer.h | |
timer.h | |
units.h | |
xml.h | |
xmlwriter.h | |
► options | |
GetLongOpt.h | |
► ref | |
ref.h | |
reftestx.h | |
► render | |
algebra3.h | |
animate.h | |
appearance.h | |
color.h | |
find.h | |
linkage.h | |
material.h | |
object.h | |
oogl.h | |
parameter.h | |
polygons.h | |
polylines.h | |
polysphere.h | |
render.h | |
sphere.h | |
stack.h | |
transform.h | |
► state | |
linkage.h | |
proxy.h | |
state.h | |
state_bin.h | |
state_file.h | |
state_text.h | |
statein.h | |
stateio.h | |
stateout.h | |
translate.h | |
► unit_test | |
global_fixtures.hpp | |