MPQC  3.0.0-alpha




struct  sc::OneBodyIntEvalType< NumCenters >
 returns the type of the evaluator for evaluating this set of two-body integrals More...
struct  sc::OneBodyIntEvalType< 2 >
struct  sc::OneBodyIntEvalType< 1 >
struct  sc::TwoBodyIntEvalType< NumCenters >
 returns the type of the evaluator for evaluating this set of two-body integrals More...
struct  sc::TwoBodyIntEvalType< 4 >
struct  sc::TwoBodyIntEvalType< 3 >
struct  sc::TwoBodyIntEvalType< 2 >
class  sc::Integral
 The Integral abstract class acts as a factory to provide objects that compute one and two electron integrals. More...

Detailed Description

Classes/functions related to integrals over atomic basis function.


// get the default Integral factory. MPQC supports several factories that
// may not be interoperable with each other, to be safe use the same one throughout
Ref<Integral> integral_factory = Integral::get_default_integral();
// need to compute overlap integrals between 2 basis sets?
integral_factory->set_basis(bs1, bs2);
Ref<OneBodyInt> overlap_12 = integral_factory->overlap();
// loop over shell combinations, call overlap_12->compute_shell()
const double* ints_buffer = overlap_12->buffer();
for(int s1=0; s1<bs1->nshell(); ++s1) {
for(int s2=0; s2<bs2->nshell(); ++s2) {
// compute shell block
overlap_12->compute_shell(s1, s2);
// read integrals from ints_buffer
for(int f1=0, f12=0; f1<bs1->shell(s1).nfunction(); ++f1) {
for(int f2=0; f2<bs2->shell(s2).nfunction(); ++f2, ++f12) {
const double v = ints_buffer[f12];
// integral in v corresponds to these basis functions:
// bra index = f1 + bs1->shell_to_function(s1)
// ket index = f2 + bs2->shell_to_function(s2)
// use v here

In this example the computed integrals are extracted one-by-one. Often you want to copy the entire shell block of integrals to another array. This can be done using new range-style access described in mpqc.Chemistry.Basis.Integral.Range.

static Integral * get_default_integral()
Returns the default Integral factory.

Generated at Sun Jan 26 2020 23:24:02 for MPQC 3.0.0-alpha using the documentation package Doxygen 1.8.16.