Customizing TiledArray Expressions

End-user interface of TiledArray is a Domain-Specific Language (DSL), embedded in C++, for performing basic arithmetic and user-defined operations on DistArray objects. For example, contraction of order-3 tensors to produce an order-2 tensor can be expressed as

TArray<float> a, b, c;
// initialization of order-3 tensors a, b is not shown
c("i,j") = a("i,k,l") * b("k,j,l"); // Einstein notation described in

Even such a simple expression is implemented as a sequence of elementary operations, such as permutation and tensor contraction; understanding what happens under the hood is important for writing optimized TiledArray code. Furthermore, TiledArray DSL is extensible: users can write their own expressions to provide custom functions or optimizations. Understanding how expressions are evaluated is needed for such customizations.

This document is intended for users who

  1. want to understand how TiledArray DSL expressions are evaluated so that they can can control and optimize the evaluation of TiledArray expressions, or
  2. want to understand how to extend the DSL to suit their needs.


TiledArray DSL is built using the expression template idiom. Lazy evaluation of DSL expressions allows to (heuristically) optimize their evaluation by minimizing the number of permutations, minimizing memory accesses, minimizing temporary storage, and combining arithmetic operations; DSL does NOT perform more extensive term rewriting, such as operation reordering, factorization (strength reduction), or common subexpression elimination. Such task can be performed by the user (or, by an optimizing compiler), provided sufficient understanding of how the TiledArray DSL expressions are evaluated.

DSL Overview

DSL expressions are evaluated in a multi-stage process, each step of which can be overridden to suit your needs.

  1. construct an expression object: expression objects are the nodes of the abstract syntax tree describing a composite expression
  2. construct expression engine: expression engines compute the metadata needed to evaluate the expression, such as the following properties of the result:
    1. index list
    2. structure
      1. Permutation
      2. TiledRange
      3. shape
    3. data distribution
      1. world
      2. process map
  3. evaluate the expression: decompose expression into a set of tasks and submit these tasks to the task queue
    1. tile operation
    2. construct the distributed evaluator
    3. schedule tile evaluation tasks

Expression Interface

Expression objects capture the minimum amount of information required to define the operation. Namely, the expression objects capture the syntax of expressions and do not deal with other details (such as how the expression is actually evaluated, sizes of intermediate quantities, etc.). Together the objects represent an Abstract Syntax Tree representation of an expression. Since the expression objects only capture compile-time syntax of an expression, runtime evaluation of the expression involves converting AST to a tree of objects (engines) that contain the information necessary to actually evaluate the expression at runtime (see the Engine Interface section for more details).

There are three basic types of expression objects:

  1. leaf – no arguments (e.g. an Array + index list)
  2. unary – one argument (e.g. negation)
  3. binary – two arguments (e.g. addition)

Non-leaf expression objects in TiledArray keep track of the argument expressions and expresson metadata (such as scaling factors). Leaf expression objects keep track of the target DistArray object to which the expression is bound to and the corresponding Einstein convention annotation (if any).

Expression Example Walkthrough

To understand how expressions are represented and then evaluated let's consider a simple example:

c("i,j") = a("i,k,l") * b("k,j,l"); // contraction over indices k and l

Here we assume that a, b, are c are declared elsewhere as DistArray objects, and a and b have been initialized appropriately.

Since TA DSL is embedded into C++, evaluation of this expression follows C++'s operator precedence rules, which for this case amounts to:

  1. Function call operator (TsrArray<float>::operator()(const std::string&))
  2. Multiplication operator
  3. Direct assignment

Step 1: Form TsrExpr Instances

The call operator, TArray<float>::operator()(const std::string&), creates an instance of the TsrExpr<TArray<float>> class. Each instance holds the string indices provided to the call operator as well as a reference to the TArray<float> instance whose call operator was invoked. If we define some temporaries according to:

using tensor_expr = TsrExpr<TArray<float>>; // the full type of the TsrExpr
tensor_expr annotated_c = c("i,j");
tensor_expr annotated_a = a("i,k,l");
tensor_expr annotated_b = b("k,j,l");

then conceptually our example becomes:

TArray<float> a, b, c; // a and b are assumed initialized, c initialized below
using tensor_expr = TsrExpr<TArray<float>>; // the full type of the TsrExpr
tensor_expr annotated_c = c("i,j");
tensor_expr annotated_a = a("i,k,l");
tensor_expr annotated_b = b("k,j,l");
annotated_c = annotated_a * annotated_b;

This step largely serves as the kicking-off point for creating the abstract syntax tree (AST) and does little else.

Step 2: Multiplication

Step 1 formed leaves for the AST, step 2 creates a branch by resolving the multiplication operator. In this case operator*(const Expr<tensor_expr>&,const Expr<tensor_expr>&) is selected. The resulting MultExpr<tensor_expr, tensor_expr> instance contains references to annotated_a and annotated_b, but again little else has happened. If we define:

MultExpr<tensor_expr, tensor_expr> a_x_b = annotated_a * annotated_b;

then conceptually our example becomes:

TArray<float> a, b, c; // a and b are assumed initialized, c initialized below
using tensor_expr = TsrExpr<TArray<float>>; // the full type of the TsrExpr
tensor_expr annotated_c = c("i,j");
tensor_expr annotated_a = a("i,k,l");
tensor_expr annotated_b = b("k,j,l");
MultExpr<tensor_expr, tensor_expr> a_x_b = annotated_a * annotated_b;
annotated_c = a_x_b;

Step 3: Assignment

This is where the magic happens. For our particular example the overload that gets called is annotated_c's operator=, which has the signature:

template<typename D>
TArray<float> TsrExpr<TArray<float>>::operator=(const Expr<D>&);

This passes tensor c to the provided expression's eval_to member. Inside eval_to:

  1. An engine is made
  2. The engine is initialized
  3. The engine generates a distributed evaluator
  4. The distributed evaluator is run
  5. Data is moved from the distributed evaluator to c.

These five steps contain a lot of detail which we are glossing over at this level. More details pertaining to how the engine works can be found here.

Generalizing to More Complicated Expressions

The above three steps can be generalized to:

  1. Form leaves
  2. Form branches
  3. Evaluate resulting tree

Step 1, form leaves, converts DSL-objects into expressions which can enter into the expression layer. With the leaves formed, step 2 creates the branches by combining: leaves with leaves, leaves with branches, and branches with branches. The formation of branches is not associative and the exact structure is dictated by C++'s operator precedence rules. AST formation terminates when the code has been wrapped up into a single AST and that AST is being assigned to a TsrExpr instance. Once AST formation is complete, step 3 occurs which is to evaluate the AST and assign the result to the TsrExpr.

Custom Expression Examples

To help you implement your own custom expressions copy and paste the appropriate expression code templates below and fill in the implementation details.

Example: Custom Leaf Expression

#include <tiledarray.h>
// Forward declarations
template <typename> class MyLeafExpression;
template <typename> class MyLeafEngine;
namespace TiledArray {
namespace expressions {
// Define expression types
template <typename A>
struct ExprTrait<MyLeafExpression<A> > {
typedef A array_type; // The Array type
typedef MyLeafEngine<A> engine_type; // Expression engine type
typedef typename TiledArray::detail::scalar_type<A>::type scalar_type; // Tile scalar type
} // namespace expressions
} // namespace TiledArray
template <typename A>
class MyLeafExpression :
public Expr<MyLeafExpression<A> >
typedef MyLeafExpression<A> MyLeafExpression_; // This class type
typedef Expr<MyLeafExpression_> Expr_; // Expression base type
array_type; // The array type
engine_type; // Expression engine type
const array_type& array_;
std::string annotation_;
// Not allowed
MyLeafExpression_& operator=(MyLeafExpression_&);
MyLeafExpression(const array_type& array, const std::string& annotation) :
Expr_(), array_(array), annotation_(annotation) { }
MyLeafExpression(const MyLeafExpression_& other) :
array_(other.array_), annotation_(other.annotation_)
{ }
const array_type& array() const { return array_; }
const std::string& annotation() const { return annotation_; }
}; // class MyLeafExpression

Example: Custom Unary Expression

#include <tiledarray.h>
// Forward declarations
template <typename> class MyUnaryExpression;
template <typename> class MyUnaryEngine;
namespace TiledArray {
namespace expressions {
// Define expression types
template <typename Arg>
struct ExprTrait<MyUnaryExpression<Arg> > :
public UnaryExprTrait<Arg, MyUnaryEngine>
{ };
} // namespace expressions
} // namespace TiledArray
// My expression object
template <typename Arg>
class MyUnaryExpression : public UnaryExpr<MyUnaryExpression<Arg> > {
typedef MyUnaryExpression <Arg> MyUnaryExpression_; // This class type
typedef UnaryExpr<MyUnaryExpression_> UnaryExpr_; // Unary base class type
argument_type; // The argument expression type
engine_type; // Expression engine type
// Not allowed
MyUnaryExpression_& operator=(const MyUnaryExpression_&);
// Constructors
MyUnaryExpression(const argument_type& arg) :
{ }
MyUnaryExpression(const MyUnaryExpression_& other) :
{ }
}; // class MyScalingExpr

Example: Custom Binary Expression

Work in progress.

Expression Engine Interface

Engine objects result from interpreting the AST using the runtime data (such as annotation strings, tensor ranks, etc.). They form a tree that represents a ready-to-evaluate expression. Evaluation of the engine tree is accomplished by traversing the tree and generating distributed evaluator objects that implement particular operations as DAGs of tasks.

Example Walkthrough

Let's consider the same expression example as earlier to understand how engines are constructed and what they do:

TArray<float> a, b, c; // a and b are assumed initialized, c initialized below
c("i,j") = a("i,k,l") * b("k,j,l"); // contraction over indices k and l

The first engine is created when the AST is assigned to c("i,j"). Inside the assignment operator, the eval_to member of the AST is invoked (and provided c). For our present purposes eval_to does 3 relevant things:

  1. It constructs the overall engine
  2. It initializes the overall engine
  3. It creates a distributed evaluator

For reference, in the contraction example, the overall engine is of type:

// The type of the engine powering the TsrExpr instances
using tsr_engine = TsrEngine<TArray<float>, Tensor<float>, true>;
// The overall engine type of the equation
MultEngine<tsr_engine, tsr_engine, Tensor<float>>

Step 1: Construction

The input to constructor for the overall engine is the overall expression to be evaluated. The constructor itself does little aside from setting the default values and propagating the map from the input expression to the engine.

Step 2: Initialization

The overall engine's init member is called and provided: the parallel runtime, the process map, and a IndexList instance containing the final tensor indices (i.e., the indices of the tensor being assigned to). The init member function ultimately calls:

  1. init_indices
  2. init_struct
  3. init_distribution

in that order.

Step 2a: Variable Initialization

Variable initialization starts in MultEngine::init_indices(const IndexList& target_indices). The purpose of the init_indices is to propagate the target indices (in this case, {"i","j"}) for each computation step down the tree; the goal is to minimize the number of permutations (layout changes) needed to evaluate the tree (this is complicated by the fact that some operations can permute their arguments and/or result implicitly, namely GEMM). N.B. For some operations (e.g., reductions) the target index list is empty, hence the init_indices() overload is used in that case.

Calling init_indices(target_indices) on the top engine in the engine tree calls the init_indices recursively on its descendants; in this case, init_indices will be invoked for the engines of the expressions on the left and right sides of the * operator (since the left and right arguments are leaves of the AST, these will be no-ops). After giving the expressions on the left and right a chance to initialize their indices the indices for the left and right side are used to determine what sort of multiplication this is (a contraction or a Hadamard-product) and the appropriate base class's perm_indices is then called.

Step 2b: Struct Initialization

This function initializes the details for the resulting tensor, specifically:

  1. the permutation to go from the result of the expression to the result tensor
  2. the tiling of the result tensor
  3. the sparsity of the resulting tensor

Within the MultEngine instance this is done first for both the left and right expressions. Next, taking the type of multiplication occurring into account, the results of calling struct_init on the left and right expressions are combined to generate the details of the tensor resulting from the multiplication.

Step 3: Make a Distributed Evaluator

For our MultEngine the type of the distributed evaluator is DistEval<Tensor<float>, DensePolicy>. Again this process is repeated recursively for the left and right expressions in MultEngine resulting in the distributed evaluators for the left and right expressions, which are then forwarded to the PIMPL for the DistEval returned by MultEngine. The distributed evaluator is what actually runs the operation.

Complete Example: Multiplication by scalar

This example demonstrates how to implement scaling expressions by a scalar. The TiledArray tile operation Scal is used for demonstration purposes, but you are free to substitute your own tile operation. See the User Defined Tiles section for more details.

#include <tiledarray.h>
// Forward declarations
template <typename> class MyScalingExpr;
template <typename> class MyScalingEngine;
namespace TiledArray {
namespace expressions {
// Define engine types
template <typename Arg>
struct EngineTrait<MyScalingEngine<Arg> > :
public UnaryEngineTrait<Arg, TiledArray::math::Scal>
{ };
// Define expression types
template <typename Arg>
struct ExprTrait<ScalExpr<Arg> > :
public UnaryExprTrait<Arg, ScalEngine>
{ };
} // namespace expressions
} // namespace TiledArray
// My scaling expression engine
template <typename Arg>
class MyScalingEngine : public UnaryEngine<MyScalingEngine<Arg> > {
// Class hierarchy typedefs
typedef MyScalingEngine<Arg> MyScalingEngine_; // This class type
typedef UnaryEngine<MyScalingEngine_> UnaryEngine_; // Unary expression engine base type
typedef typename UnaryEngine_::ExprEngine_ ExprEngine_; // Expression engine base type
// Argument typedefs
typedef typename EngineTrait<MyScalingEngine_>::argument_type argument_type; // The argument expression engine type
// Operational typedefs
value_type; // The result tile type
scalar_type; // Tile scalar type
op_type; // The tile operation type
policy; // The result policy type
dist_eval_type; // The distributed evaluator type
// Meta data typedefs
size_type; // Size type
trange_type; // Tiled range type
shape_type; // Shape type
pmap_interface; // Process map interface type
scalar_type factor_; // Scaling factor
// Constructor
template <typename A>
MyScalingEngine(const MyScalingExpr<A>& expr) :
UnaryEngine_(expr), factor_(expr.factor())
{ }
// Non-permuting shape factory function
shape_type make_shape() const {
return UnaryEngine_::arg_.shape().scale(factor_);
// Permuting shape factory function
shape_type make_shape(const Permutation& perm) const {
return UnaryEngine_::arg_.shape().scale(factor_, perm);
// Non-permuting tile operation factory function
op_type make_tile_op() const { return op_type(factor_); }
// Permuting tile operation factory function
template <typename Perm,
typename = std::enable_if_t<detail::is_permutation_v<Perm>>>
op_type make_tile_op(const Perm& perm) const {
return op_type(perm, factor_);
// Expression identification tag used for printing
std::string make_tag() const {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "[" << factor_ << "] ";
return ss.str();
}; // class MyScalingEngine
// Scaling expression
template <typename Arg>
class ScalExpr : public UnaryExpr<ScalExpr<Arg> > {
typedef MyScalingExpr<Arg> MyScalingExpr_; // This class type
typedef UnaryExpr<MyScalingExpr_> UnaryExpr_; // Unary base class type
typedef typename TiledArray::expressions::ExprTrait<MyScalingExpr_>::argument_type argument_type; // The argument expression type
typedef typename TiledArray::expressions::ExprTrait<MyScalingExpr_>::engine_type engine_type; // Expression engine type
typedef typename TiledArray::expressions::ExprTrait<MyScalingExpr_>::scalar_type scalar_type; // Scalar type
scalar_type factor_;
// Not allowed
ScalExpr_& operator=(const ScalExpr_&);
// Constructors
MyScalingExpr(const argument_type& arg, const scalar_type factor) :
UnaryExpr_(arg), factor_(factor)
{ }
MyScalingExpr(const MyScalingExpr_& other, const scalar_type factor) :
UnaryExpr_(other), factor_(other.factor_ * factor)
{ }
MyScalingExpr(const MyScalingExpr_& other) : UnaryExpr_(other), factor_(other.factor_) { }
scalar_type factor() const { return factor_; }
}; // class MyScalingExpr
// Expression object factory functions
template <typename D, typename Scalar>
inline typename madness::enable_if<TiledArray::detail::is_numeric<Scalar>, ScalExpr<D> >::type
operator*(const Expr<D>& expr, const Scalar& factor) {
return ScalExpr<D>(expr.derived(), factor);
template <typename D, typename Scalar>
inline typename madness::enable_if<TiledArray::detail::is_numeric<Scalar>, ScalExpr<D> >::type
operator*(const Scalar& factor, const Expr<D>& expr) {
return ScalExpr<D>(expr.derived(), factor);
template <typename Arg, typename Scalar>
inline typename madness::enable_if<TiledArray::detail::is_numeric<Scalar>, ScalExpr<Arg> >::type
operator*(const ScalExpr<Arg>& expr, const Scalar& factor) {
return ScalExpr<Arg>(expr, factor);
template <typename Arg, typename Scalar>
inline typename madness::enable_if<TiledArray::detail::is_numeric<Scalar>, ScalExpr<Arg> >::type
operator*(const Scalar& factor, const ScalExpr<Arg>& expr) {
return ScalExpr<Arg>(expr, factor);
Type trait for extracting the scalar type of tensors and arrays.
Definition: type_traits.h:744
std::enable_if< TiledArray::detail::is_numeric_v< Scalar >, ScalAddExpr< Left, Right, Scalar > >::type operator*(const AddExpr< Left, Right > &expr, const Scalar &factor)
Scaled-addition expression factor.
Definition: add_expr.h:191
auto make_shape(World &world, const TiledArray::TiledRange &trange)