| CLHF (const sc::Ref< sc::KeyVal > &kval) |
| CLSCF (const sc::Ref< sc::KeyVal > &kval) |
| Key Value constructor . More...
virtual void | compute () override |
| Recompute at least the results that have compute true and are not already computed. More...
virtual const TAMatrix & | rdm1 () override final |
| Return the computed AO density.
virtual double | scf_energy () override final |
| Return the scf enengy computed to the desired accuracy level.
virtual const TAMatrix & | rdm1 (sc::SpinCase1 s) |
| Returns expression to the AO density matrix. More...
| SCF (const sc::Ref< sc::KeyVal > &kval) |
| SCF KeyValue constructor. More...
virtual size_t | nelectron () const override |
virtual size_t | occupation () const |
TAMatrix | MO_eigenvectors (double) |
TAMatrix | MO_eigenvectors () |
ElemVector | MO_eigenvalues (double) |
ElemVector | MO_eigenvalues () |
ElemTAEigenSystem | MO_eigensystem (double) |
ElemTAEigenSystem | MO_eigensystem () |
TAMatrix & | ao_fock (double) |
TAMatrix & | ao_fock () |
void | print (std::ostream &os=sc::ExEnv::out0()) const |
| Print information about the object.
| Wavefunction (const sc::Ref< sc::KeyVal > &kval) |
| The KeyVal constructor.
const sc::Ref< TiledBasisSet > & | basis () const |
const sc::Ref< sc::Integral > & | integral () const |
sc::Ref< sc::Molecule > | molecule () const override |
double | total_charge () const |
virtual double | magnetic_moment () const |
| Computes the S (or J) magnetic moment of the target state(s), in units of . More...
bool | spin_polarized () |
virtual const TAMatrix & | ao_overlap () |
| Returns the AO overlap.
virtual const TAMatrix & | ao_hcore () |
| Returns expression to the AO overlap matrix. More...
unsigned | debug () const |
| Returns expression to the AO hcore matrix. More...
void | obsolete () |
| makes this object obsolete, next call to compute() will recompute
void | print (std::ostream &os=sc::ExEnv::out0()) const |
| Print information about the object.
| MolecularEnergy (const MolecularEnergy &) |
| MolecularEnergy (const Ref< KeyVal > &) |
| The KeyVal constructor. More...
| MolecularEnergy (StateIn &) |
void | save_data_state (StateOut &) |
| Save the base classes (with save_data_state) and the members in the same order that the StateIn CTOR initializes them. More...
void | set_checkpoint () |
| Set up checkpointing.
void | set_checkpoint_file (const char *) |
void | set_checkpoint_freq (int freq) |
bool | if_to_checkpoint () const |
| Check if need to checkpoint.
const char * | checkpoint_file () const |
int | checkpoint_freq () const |
MolecularEnergy & | operator= (const MolecularEnergy &) |
virtual double | energy () |
| A wrapper around value();.
virtual RefSCDimension | moldim () const |
void | guess_hessian (RefSymmSCMatrix &) |
| Compute a quick, approximate hessian.
RefSymmSCMatrix | inverse_hessian (RefSymmSCMatrix &) |
int | gradient_implemented () const |
| Reports whether gradient is implemented either analytically or using MolecularGradient object. More...
int | hessian_implemented () const |
| Reports whether hessian is implemented either analytically or using MolecularHessian object. More...
void | set_desired_gradient_accuracy (double acc) |
| These functions overload their Function counterparts. More...
void | set_desired_hessian_accuracy (double acc) |
void | set_molhess (const Ref< MolecularHessian > &molhess) |
| Use this function to provide MolecularHessian object that will be used to compute hessian. More...
const Ref< MolecularHessian > & | molhess () const |
RefSymmSCMatrix | hessian () |
| Will throw if hessian_implemented() returns 0.
void | set_molgrad (const Ref< MolecularGradient > &molgrad) |
| Use this function to provide MolecularGradient object that will be used to compute gradient. More...
const Ref< MolecularGradient > & | molgrad () const |
RefSCVector | gradient () |
| Will throw if gradient_implemented() returns 0.
void | set_x (const RefSCVector &) |
| Set and retrieve the coordinate values.
RefSCVector | get_cartesian_x () |
| Return the cartesian coordinates.
RefSCVector | get_cartesian_gradient () |
| Return the cartesian gradient.
RefSymmSCMatrix | get_cartesian_hessian () |
| Return the cartesian hessian.
Ref< MolecularCoor > | molecularcoor () |
virtual void | symmetry_changed () |
| Call this if you have changed the molecular symmetry of the molecule contained by this MolecularEnergy.
Ref< NonlinearTransform > | change_coordinates () |
| An optimizer can call change coordinates periodically to give the function an opportunity to change its coordinate system. More...
virtual void | purge () |
| This function purges any caches of data in MolecularEnergy. More...
const RefSCVector & | electric_field () const |
| returns the electric field vector
void | print_natom_3 (const RefSCVector &, const char *t=0, std::ostream &o=ExEnv::out0()) const |
| Nicely print n x 3 data that are stored in a vector.
void | print_natom_3 (double **, const char *t=0, std::ostream &o=ExEnv::out0()) const |
void | print_natom_3 (double *, const char *t=0, std::ostream &o=ExEnv::out0()) const |
int | gradient_needed () const |
int | do_gradient (int) |
virtual double | actual_gradient_accuracy () const |
virtual double | desired_gradient_accuracy () const |
AccResultRefSCVector & | gradient_result () |
int | hessian_needed () const |
int | do_hessian (int) |
virtual double | actual_hessian_accuracy () const |
virtual double | desired_hessian_accuracy () const |
AccResultRefSymmSCMatrix & | hessian_result () |
virtual bool | desired_value_accuracy_set_to_default () const |
virtual bool | desired_gradient_accuracy_set_to_default () const |
virtual bool | desired_hessian_accuracy_set_to_default () const |
virtual int | value_implemented () const |
RefSCVector | get_x () const |
const RefSCVector & | get_x_no_copy () const |
void | print_desired_accuracy (std::ostream &=ExEnv::out0()) const |
| similar to print(), but only prins desired accuracies
virtual bool | throw_if_tolerance_exceeded () const |
| Overridden Compute member.
| Function () |
| Function (StateIn &) |
| Function (const Function &) |
| Function (const Ref< KeyVal > &, double funcacc=DBL_EPSILON, double gradacc=DBL_EPSILON, double hessacc=DBL_EPSILON) |
| The keyval constructor reads the following keywords: More...
virtual | ~Function () |
Function & | operator= (const Function &) |
Ref< SCMatrixKit > | matrixkit () const |
| Return the SCMatrixKit used to construct vectors and matrices.
RefSCDimension | dimension () const |
| Return the SCDimension of the problem.
virtual double | value () |
| Return the value of the function.
int | value_needed () const |
| Returns nonzero if the current value is not up-to-date.
int | do_value (int) |
| If passed a nonzero number, compute the value the next time compute() is called. More...
AccResultdouble & | value_result () |
virtual void | set_desired_value_accuracy (double) |
| Set the accuracy to which the value is to be computed.
virtual double | actual_value_accuracy () const |
| Return the accuracy with which the value has been computed.
virtual double | desired_value_accuracy () const |
| Return the accuracy with which the value is to be computed.
SavableState & | operator= (const SavableState &) |
void | save_state (StateOut &) |
| Save the state of the object as specified by the StateOut object. More...
void | save_object_state (StateOut &) |
| This can be used for saving state when the exact type of the object is known for both the save and the restore. More...
virtual void | save_vbase_state (StateOut &) |
| Save the virtual bases for the object. More...
| DescribedClass (const DescribedClass &) |
DescribedClass & | operator= (const DescribedClass &) |
ClassDesc * | class_desc () const MPQC__NOEXCEPT |
| This returns the unique pointer to the ClassDesc corresponding to the given type_info object. More...
const char * | class_name () const |
| Return the name of the object's exact type.
int | class_version () const |
| Return the version of the class.
Ref< DescribedClass > | ref () |
| Return this object wrapped up in a Ref smart pointer. More...
size_t | identifier () const |
| Return the unique identifier for this object that can be compared for different objects of different types. More...
int | lock_ptr () const |
| Lock this object.
int | unlock_ptr () const |
| Unlock this object.
void | use_locks (bool inVal) |
| start and stop using locks on this object
refcount_t | nreference () const |
| Return the reference count.
refcount_t | reference () |
| Increment the reference count and return the new count.
refcount_t | dereference () |
| Decrement the reference count and return the new count.
int | managed () const |
void | unmanage () |
| Turn off the reference counting mechanism for this object. More...
virtual TAMatrix & | scf_ao_fock_ () override final |
virtual void | compute_ao_fock (double) override final |
GEngineBase::TAMatrix | G (const std::string s) |
virtual TAMatrix & | ao_density () final |
| Returns reference to rdm1_.result_noupdate(), but guarantees nothing about its computed status.
double | iter_energy () |
unsigned int | miniter () const |
unsigned int | maxiter () const |
void | set_occupation (unsigned int i) |
const sc::Ref< mpqc::World > | world () const |
void | failure (const char *) |
virtual void | set_energy (double) |
| This is just a wrapper around set_value().
virtual void | set_gradient (RefSCVector &) |
| These are passed gradients and hessian in cartesian coordinates. More...
virtual void | set_hessian (RefSymmSCMatrix &) |
void | x_to_molecule () |
void | molecule_to_x () |
virtual bool | analytic_gradient_implemented () const |
| must overload this in a derived class if analytic gradient can be computed More...
virtual bool | analytic_hessian_implemented () const |
| must overload this in a derived class if analytic hessian can be computed More...
virtual void | set_value (double) |
virtual void | set_matrixkit (const Ref< SCMatrixKit > &) |
| Set the SCMatrixKit that should be used to construct the requisite vectors and matrices.
virtual void | set_dimension (const RefSCDimension &) |
virtual void | set_actual_value_accuracy (double) |
virtual void | set_actual_gradient_accuracy (double) |
virtual void | set_actual_hessian_accuracy (double) |
RefSCVector & | get_x_reference () |
| Get read/write access to the coordinates for modification.
void | do_change_coordinates (const Ref< NonlinearTransform > &) |
| Change the coordinate system and apply the given transform to intermediates matrices and vectors.
| SavableState (const SavableState &) |
| SavableState (StateIn &) |
| Each derived class StateIn CTOR handles the restore corresponding to calling save_object_state, save_vbase_state, and save_data_state listed above. More...
| RefCount (const RefCount &) |
RefCount & | operator= (const RefCount &) |