MPQC  3.0.0-alpha
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mpqc Namespace Reference

Contains new MPQC code since version 3. More...


struct  Array
 Array implementation. More...
struct  cstring
 cstring-like object to cast a value to const char*< > string. More...
struct  Exception
 MPQC exception class. More...
struct  File
 Top-level file object that holds groups. More...
class  MADNESSRuntime
struct  matrix
 Matrix class derived from Eigen::Matrix with additional MPQC integration. More...
struct  mutex
 Static mutex instances. More...
struct  range
struct  Range
struct  static_mutex
 Static mutex factory. More...
struct  Tensor
 Tensor reference class. More...
struct  TensorBase
 Tensor base class. More...
struct  TensorColumnMajor
 Tensor column major (i.e. first dimension is contiguous) storage order. More...
struct  TensorDimensionsException
struct  TensorIndexException
struct  TensorRangeException
struct  TensorRef
 Tensor reference class. More...
struct  TensorRowMajor
 Tensor row major (i.e. last dimension is contiguous) storage order. More...
struct  timer
struct  vector
 Vector class derived from Eigen::Matrix with additional MPQC integration. More...
class  World
 World is a wrapper around madness::World. More...


typedef matrix< double > Matrix
 Convience double matrix type.
typedef vector< double > Vector
 Convience double vector type.


template<typename T , class V >
void operator<< (Array< T > A, const V &v)
 Write to Array from a generic vector V. More...
template<typename T , class V >
void operator>> (Array< T > A, V &v)
 Read from Array to a generic vector V. More...
template<typename T , class A >
void operator>> (File::Dataset< T > ds, A &a)
 Read from dataset into a generic container A. More...
template<typename T , class A >
void operator<< (File::Dataset< T > ds, const A &a)
 Write to dataset from a generic container A. More...
template<typename T , class A >
void operator>> (File::Dataspace< T > ds, A &a)
 Read from dataspace into a generic container A. More...
template<typename T , class A >
void operator<< (File::Dataspace< T > ds, const A &a)
 Write to dataspace from a generic container A. More...
void conjugategradient (const Matrix &F, Matrix &X, const Matrix &D, const Matrix &Esymm, const Matrix &Eanti, performance &data)
Matrix commuter (const Matrix &D, const Matrix &X, performance &data)
void BCH_rotate (Matrix &D, const Matrix &X, std::size_t order, performance &data)
void Purify (Matrix &D, performance &data)
performance curvy_step (const Matrix &F, Matrix &D)
template<class E >
double absmax (const E &e)
 absolute max of an Eigen type More...
template<class T >
dot (const matrix< T > &a, const matrix< T > &b)
 element-wise dot product of two matrices More...
template<class T >
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver< Matrix::EigenType > symmetric (const matrix< T > &a)
 Computes (Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver) eigensystem of a matrix. More...
template<class T >
norm (const matrix< T > &a)
 Matrix norm. More...
template<class T >
void normalize (matrix< T > &a)
 Normalize matrix. More...
template<class T >
void orthonormalize (matrix< T > &d, const matrix< T > &b)
 orthormalize matrix d wrt to normalized matrix b d = normalize(d - (<d|b>*b)) More...
template<int N, typename T >
Eigen::Map< Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > > vector_cast (TensorRef< T, N, TensorColumnMajor > &r)
template<int M, int N, typename T >
Eigen::Map< Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > > matrix_cast (TensorRef< T, M+N, TensorRowMajor > &r)
template<int M, int N, typename T >
Eigen::Map< Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::ColMajor > > matrix_cast (TensorRef< T, M+N, TensorColumnMajor > &r)
template<typename T , class O >
void permute_in_place (TensorBase< T, 3, O > &t, boost::mpl::vector_c< int, 1, 0, 2 >)
template<typename T , class O >
void permute_in_place (TensorBase< T, 3, O > &t, boost::mpl::vector_c< int, 0, 2, 1 >)
template<int I, int J, int K, typename T , class O >
void permute_in_place (TensorBase< T, 3, O > &t)
template<class Tuple >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const range::tie< Tuple > &tie)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const range &r)
 print range as "begin:end"
bool operator== (const range &a, const range &b)
range intersection (const range &a, const range &b)
range operator& (const range &a, const range &b)
 Range intersection.
std::vector< rangepartition (const range &R, size_t N)
 Partition range into N blocks.
std::vector< rangesplit (range r, size_t N)
 Split range into blocks of size N.
std::vector< rangebalanced_split (const range &r, size_t N)
 Split range into roughly equal blocks of size N or less.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const std::vector< range > &r)
 print range vector as "[ begin:end, ... ]"
range range_cast (const range &r)
 Cast range to range, return argument unchanged.
template<class R >
boost::enable_if< boost::is_integral< R >, range >::type range_cast (const R &r)
 Cast integral argument r to range [r:r+1)
void check_failed (char const *file, long line, char const *function, char const *expr)
template<typename T >
std::string string_cast (const T &value)
 cast type T to string
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const timer &t)
inline ::TiledArray::Array< double, 2 > SymmScMat_To_TiledArray (madness::World &world, const sc::Ref< sc::SymmSCMatrix > &matrix, const ::TiledArray::TiledRange1 trange1)
 addtogroup TiledArrayInterface More...

Detailed Description

Contains new MPQC code since version 3.

Function Documentation

◆ SymmScMat_To_TiledArray()

inline ::TiledArray::Array<double, 2> mpqc::SymmScMat_To_TiledArray ( madness::World &  world,
const sc::Ref< sc::SymmSCMatrix > &  matrix,
const ::TiledArray::TiledRange1  trange1 

addtogroup TiledArrayInterface

Function to copy a sc::SymmSCMatrix to TiledArray::Array @Warning This function is only for testing not for general use

Generated at Sun Jan 26 2020 23:24:02 for MPQC 3.0.0-alpha using the documentation package Doxygen 1.8.16.